Good morning February 1st

Morning all.

My sister had a terrible day yesterday. First she said part of her fence has blown down, exposing her garden. The wind blew her car door onto her leg. And she has lost her work locker key, plus her loyalty and staff discount cards! I phoned Greggs HO, they checked the shop she had been in, no luck. But she still has her car to look in. Made my day pale into insignificance!

This morning I will be at the cafe, nursing my lone cuppa, as it seems there won’t be anyone else turning up. Still no more requests to join my coffee group, but I live in hope that maybe they have seen my invite posts but won’t join!

Then tonight is the writer’s group. Even they have dwindled down to 4, before I came along. Someone else reckons they have heard it is a general thing, that people’s interest in going out has waned.

Enjoy your day.

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Morning everybody. Well here on the east coast it is chilly but very nice sunshine. We are having massive high tides.

I have just sent my friend a birthday text. She was born 69 years ago on the night of the East Coast floods in 1953 which caused such devastation around our coast. I never forget her birthday for that reason.

Good morning all. It’s -1° with a high of -10°. So if it’s all the same I’ll stay at home.

Boy, do I agree with you, Meg.
I decided long ago that it’s a genetic problem with men. They never do what they say they will do, and what is even worse . . . they never let you know they are not coming either!
If he turns up today, lock him in quick, and don’t let him go until he has finished. :smiley:

Good morning all. :wave:

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Bloody 'ell. You don’t need to keep reminding us every six months. :lol:

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And you can be quiet an’ all, Sir.

Another slobbing around day, except for some housework and some bulk cooking. Could get used to this retirement lark. :slight_smile:

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Good afternoon all, sunny and quite a pleasant 12°C here.

An easier day to handle with a bit of sunshine promised. It’s -8 deg C, but 17 deg F looks better to me!
Might even take a long walk later. This holing up for two days is for the birds!

Have a cheerful day everyone.


Aww, I love that picture. So cute! I was dreading February for a couple personal reasons, but that picture brightened up my outlook a tiny bit. Thanks.

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Mine, too, Butterscotch! Had to share it :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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We found a new-to-us farm shop this morning that actually sold dry cured oak smoked back bacon so we bought enough to last us for the next 3 Sunday breakfasts. We also bought 2 snake and pygmy pies (Friday night’s dinner with oven chips) and a very large cream scone for tea tonight.

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You not heard of snake and Pygmy pies? :joy: (or steak and kidney if you prefer)


Aye, Steak & Kidney is normal…that snake & pygmy stuff…well I was about to call PETA! :joy:


You cannot beat dry cured bacon - our local butcher prepares his own and it is delicious.

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Is that PETAs pies :joy:

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Oh Ha Ha, very funny! :roll_eyes: :joy:

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Talking about tradespeople, or lack of, my sister needs new garden fencing. Part has blown in the wind so meaning her garden is open. I have been on FB and got quite a lot of names and companies for her to call, in the hope at least one turns up for a quote!

Our kitchen doors need replacing the foil has lifted , the supplier no longer does the colour, which in effect means replacing cornices, pelmets , end panels,