Good Morning Bank Holiday Monday 30/8/21

Good morning all, no sun yet but its early maybe it will come out later.
Off out early to do our weekly shopping.
Have a nice Bank Holiday Monday all.

Good morning Susie and all who follow

Hoping for a nice day today…might spend time in the garden. Nothing planned but I’m sure that will change

Have a lovely day all


Good Morning All.

Grey and cool here, I have the heating on, it is only 13c.

A stay in day ahead.

Have a good day all.

A good morning from me too on this once again overcast and cool August day, certainly a feel of backend in the air…

Just about to take the dogs out and nothing then on my “to do” list, so I will probably just laze around until something presents itself oh, and I will probably make chicken korma for lunch.

Hope everyone is well and that you have a pleasant day :blush:

good morning, grey and dull here, may improve, if it does will conjure up a plan B

Good morning everyone :grin:

It’s a Monday!!!

Thankfully it is a HALF DAY of work for me because I have the BEST boss on the planet :lol:

The weather is looking good today, still chilly but SpRiNg is in the air! I can feel it!!!

Blue skies and sunshine my way…No special holiday today here but everyday is a what you make it…have a good day all…

Good morning one and all. A very dull, damp and generally dismal day down south. Not a nice day for early dog walking but they still had fun. An early morning coffee and hunt around my local garden centre to start I think Then visit my poorly son and hopefully get him out for his usual slow walk to the end of the road and back. Enjoy your day people. Take care and stay safe.

Morning all.

I have my small oil filled rad switched on downstairs, to take the edge off the chill.

Good morning everybody.

Tony & I got a new lawn mower from B&Q yesterday so today we plan on trying it out.

I decided on a Bosch, but as with so many things nowadays it was all in pieces & had to be assembled. A very nice lady assistant at B&Q offered to put it together for us. You don’t get this service when you order from Amazon!! It was the same price too…

Apart from the lawn mowing Tony & I will potter around - maybe watch an afternoon film & eat chocolate.

Have a good day all. :grinning:

Good morning from a slightly damp but improving Weald. Must have been a bit chilly earlier as the heating came on for a short while. Not sure where the promised heat wave went . :man_shrugging:t2: Never mind I’m sure we’ll cope. Personally I don’t like sudden heatwaves, you never get time to adjust before it all goes pear shaped again. :smirk: :smiley:

Good morning all.
Enjoy bank holiday Monday :slight_smile:

Good morning all, just got back from a walk and will get my breakfast in a mo. It’s beautiful out there, warm and sunny, but with a gentle breeze.

We’re going to Ikea one day this week, and will pop round my daughter’s to help her measure up for some more Kallax units. Other than that, I’ll take the day as it comes.

Have a good day folks :slight_smile:

Good morning everyone :slightly_smiling_face: dull again.

I am very disappointed, the new meds are not working today and I am not feeling great .
I need to hang out the washing then lay on the floor and do some breathing excercise before making a batch of chickpea curry for the freezer. Its all good fun :slightly_smiling_face:

Enjoy your day… :slightly_smiling_face:

Oh Meg I’m sorry to hear this. I hope your day improves, it must be so miserable. Sending (((hugs)))

Good morning all :slightly_smiling_face: a dull nondescript day, no sign of the sun.

Nothing planned other than the usual day to day chores.

@Meg sorry to hear you have had another attack, it must be disappointing this has still happened with your new med. :slightly_frowning_face:
Hope you’ll feel better soon. x

Good morning all.

Been out with Gert twice popped into Sainsburys for a neighbour - nothing planned at all actually today.

@Meg So sorry to hear you are not too good is this to be expected did they say?

Have come to the conclusion the Summer is over.

Have a good day all

Chin Up Meg!

Tomorrow’s another day.

(we hope!)


Happy Bank Holiday everyone. I am spending part of the day in the kitchen blanching, vac packing, and freezing a heap of fresh vegs. When that is done am going back to the longsome task of re-organising my Craft Room. It is taking forever because I am sorting each drawer and box as I go - currently into three plastic crates on the sitting room floor. One for Crafty friends to help themselves from, one destined for the nearest Charity shop, and one for recycling. The house feels as though it will never be tidy again!


So sorry about your new meds. Meg, that is a real pain.

I am still adjusting to mine.