Good Morning/Afternoon - Tuesday 28th June

Good morning/afternoon everyone,

The weather goblins are throwing cloud at us today with - maybe - rain later.

I am grounded anyway - due an early Sainsbury’s delivery.

Must make some more Mayonnaise and some Marie Rose sauce - prawn salad is on my menu for Dinner tonight. Yummy - I love salads.

The laundry goblins are hovering in the kitchen so had better placate them as well.

It’s all go!!

Talk about cold - 16° today, no rain but a bit grey.

About to oil up my sewing machine for a couple of jobs I have been putting off (It doesn’t get used much).

Might venture out for a walk and that’ll be my day.

Have a good one.

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Morning everyone, bright here but cloudy for later they say, but still a comfortable 20°C so no complaints :sunglasses:

Just about to head off to the forest, then after a coffee break I’ve got some more berries and currants to pick and prepare for the freezer, veg curry for lunch yum yum… :man_cook:

Have a good day folks :blush:

morn all
Going to be another hot one today, so already done daily walk and got it down now to about 20 minuits which for me ain’t bad
what I do to go with a pawn salad is mix salad cream with tomato ketchup. you would not be able to tell the difference from the proper dressing. this way you can have it whatever strength of flavour you want

Good morning all, nice and sunny here.

Off to the Car Boot Sale this morning, then later get on the bus to Gorleston, need a few things, then lunch at Morrison’s.

Have a great day all.

Morning all.

Tried sitting in the garden (the dog wanted to play ball), but the wind is still chilly. And the bloke over the back is playing George Ezra, whom I loathe, again. (Albeit quietly.)

No cafe meet this week. Everyone is either unwell or busy, so I’ve cancelled. So will potter about indoors, finding stuff to do, or clear.

Excited moment in the garden. I have a couple of raspberries starting to ripen. First crop. The cane is in my mini greenhouse, behind netting.

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Noooo - don’t even go there, realspeed. Proper Marie Riose sauce is made from Mayonnaise, Tomato paste, Cayenne Pepper, Tabasco, Worcester Sauce, and Brandy - and yes, I would be able to taste the difference. :smiley_cat: :smiley_cat: :smiley_cat:

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Quote " Noooo - don’t even go there, realspeed. Proper Marie Riose sauce is made from Mayonnaise, Tomato paste, Cayenne Pepper, Tabasco, Worcester Sauce, and Brandy - and yes, I would be able to taste the difference." Unquote

An example of how to make something easily into a major production without trying first

Too blooming cold what happened to Flaming June ?
I have lit the wood burner I like to be warm .

it is so hot here in East Sussex just a beautiful summer day

Not at all, realspeed, I would never say I didn’t like something I had not tried. It was entirely because I was so fed up of being served mayonnaise mixed with ketchup - and disliking it - that I learned how to make Marie Rose the proper way.

Yes, afternoon. I had a pretty long walk today. No Ozzie - my wife has taken him to the vet. Unfortunately the machine had a fault but it should be operational tomorrow. Then I cut the grass. Then I watched a bit of tennis.

My wife agrees with that approach. And I’m lucky…:slight_smile:

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