Good Morning/Afternoon - Sunday 28th August, 2022

Evenin’ all. Had the usual stroll. Then I went to the convenience store. Then we got the grand kids. I watched the F1 race. Then stripped the beds - the kids helped. They are going home today. They are back to school. in a week. In a couple of days my daughter will be back home from Lithuania so the family will be back intact!

And happy anniversary Batrhsheba!

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Belated happy anniversary, sorry thought I had replied already

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Thanks all for the anniversary wishes :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thought I’d said it already, but it was probably last year. Happy Anniversary.

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That made me laugh out loud Dex :joy: :joy: :joy: Oh and editing to say, Thank you!

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Coming back on here has been a bit like renewing my vows :grin::rofl:


Happy anniversary Mr Mrs @Bathsheba

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