Good afternoon...

[SIZE=“4”]I have looking for a active forum to join and chat…I am a member of Yo Photographer and one small chat group. I am pretty much disabled so the computer is my link to others. I don’t see many USA folks here, predominantly British but other countries also…I have some net friends in Aussie land and Kiwi land but none in France or Norway…or much of anywhere else. I enjoy reading the notes from around the world and learning how their life differs.
I love photography and take photos every week, most are of wild flowers, clouds, birds or anything that strikes my interest…very bad with people snaps and I have 2 lovely great grands living in the house with me and their parents.
I also did a lot of art work via PSP but have dropped away from that in the last 8 months.
I will try to answer all emails and forum notes but my internet service has down times more often then I like. I live out in the country…with cattle and horses behind the house.
A warm hug to all of you, Shirley[/SIZE]


Hello Shirley :slight_smile: a warm welcome to the forum!

Hello Shirley, welcome to the forum.:slight_smile:

Hello and welcome to the forum Shirley. :smiley: What a lovely photograph. :slight_smile:

Hello Shirley, and a very warm welcome to you.:slight_smile:

Hello Shirley :slight_smile: welcome, I look forward to chatting with you.

Hello Shirley. I also like taking photos and, like you, more of nature than people.



Have fun with us all…

Hello and welcome Shirley, I love your photo.
We do have other people on the forum from USA, no doubt you will soon find them.

Hello Shirley - welcome from me as well. That is a lovely photo.

Welcome to this forum Shirley, hope you find many things to enjoy.


Hello Shirley


I have only just joined too - I love your photo and I take them too - like you of my surrounding countryside.

I have a new camera I need to master (a gift from my daughter!) and it scares me!

I really love the USA and have many dear friends there.
Can you tell us where you live?


p.s I am not good at going to bed early so I will often be around in your evening, when our good people here have gone to bed! :lol:

Welcome to the forum Shirley and Ophelia. Hope you’ll enjoy the forum and share some of your photos with us in the Photography Section. :slight_smile:

Good morning Shirley darlin’ and welcome.

Hello Shirley - welcome from Pats :slight_smile:

Thanks for all the welcome greetings, I surely appreciate them. When I get stuck for words I use a photo…okay?

Wild Asters but I don’t know the precise kind…we have many different kinds of Asters along our roads.
Thanks again for the warm welcome…hugs, Shirley

Welcome Shirley. I look forward to seeing more photos from you.

Hi Shirley:039:

I am from Canada so we are neighbour’s …
This is a great site … members are very friendly …
We have to give credit to administration and moderation for a job well done …