I’d love for some planner to decide that our back garden is an ideal place for a windmill. The rent we receive will probably pay for all our electricity, gas and water charges for ever and ever, Amen.
I realize now that I erred in entering this fray.
Been through it far too many times in fifteen years online.
The naysayers & deniers will never change regardless of the evidence and the absolute fact that the vast, vast majority of genuine climatologists say otherwise.
Once we get into the same ole, same ole posting of sources,
you can bet London to a brick that the doubters’ links, when investigated thoroughly,
will lead back to oil companies or creationists.
I think I’ll pass, thanks.
YAY!!! We win!!! :-p
(Only joking. ;-))
It looks like the ‘experts’ have got it wrong again…
I believe that the Glorious Company of Experts (an unlimited company) are getting a lot of things wrong - intentionally.
Global warming, polar bears dying out, diesel cars polluting, all invented in order to relieve us ordinary mortals of our hard earned cash.
I wonder what will be next. Petrol cars, obviously, but what will the prophets of doom come up with next?
Get rid of your diesel cars, because the way things are going you won’t be able to give the buggers away.
On the contrary, I’ll have one.
I just won’t drive anywhere near London or park in any council car parks.
And I won’t bother registering it with DVLA.
I read somewhere that all UK cities will apply a levy to all diesel vehicles entering the city
No problem, I absolutely refuse to drive into Manchester.
I did once and couldn’t get out again, what with all the one-way systems.
If I ever need to go there now, I’ll park outside of the city (somewhere with free parking) and get a bus into town.
I have a bus pass now, BTW!
I’m always skeptical of any new “Big Issue” that suddenly emerges, fully-formed and fervently promoted, and enthusiastically supported by the “majority”, purely on the basis of some sensationalist pronouncement. Even if there is allegedly “scientific proof” of the Issue, I’m still hesitant.
And when I see that the people who don’t immediately fall into line and “embrace” the “Big Issue” are scoffed at, scorned, ridiculed, labeled and even pitied, to me that clinches it.
[size=“3”]Spot on, OGF!!![/size]
Good post Jim…
Once upon a time everyone thought the sun orbited the earth and that the earth was flat. A few dared to announce that this was wrong and were laughed at…Well they’re not laughing now!
Yes, OGF, but that was demonstrable and provable. I still don’t think the “evidence” that GW proponents present is proof. More like ambiguous observations that are being presented as absolute truth to an untrained population looking for sensations. We can’t fix anything real in the world, so we invent something that has a “solution”. It appeals to people who feel hopeless and helpless, (and that’s most of us today, I think). That’s also probably why so many people are so evangelistic about it. Hard to maintain “rage” when you’re the only one angry.
I have seen no successful refutations presented by the deniers thus far. Repeating claims does not make them stronger. Climate change accelerated by humans (at a rate never discerned in nature) is cause and effect.
Your having seen no successful refutations is not proof that there are none, Shadowman.
And calling me a “Denier” is that labeling thing I was talking about. Giving labels to people who disagree with you is a poor way to try to prove your case.
In any case, I’m not a “denier”. I’m a doubter, a sceptic, and a questioner. In controversial issues of such complexity as “global warming”, I think it is just as silly to be an unequivocal denier as it is to be a confirmed believer.
I have given various replies to many of the denial claims only to seem many of the same claims simply repeated, a poor way to prove a case.
Well, I’m not offering any claims, or trying to prove anything, Shadowman. I’m just saying I’m unconvinced and I’ve given my reasons for being that way.
I’m simply skeptical of all the “Latest Big Issue” things that are so prevalent these days.
Right, forget Global Warming for a while.
Burning oil and coal produces pollutants which we know harm us long term.
Not a good idea, especially when you factor in the costs to the NHS.
Nuclear is expensive, so expensive that the UK cannot even afford to build it’s own.
Hinckley is being built by the Chinese and the French.
Even worse, stupid Cameron agreed to pay 3 times the current cost for electricity from it for the life of the plant.
A 300% rise in electricity is not good, it is stupid.
We import fossil fuels, this costs us and we are reliant
upon the Middle East, never a good idea.
Renewables cost money for building, after that the costs of production are very cheap.
This is not only an advantage to household bills, but also to industry.
Germany had a windy Sunday, produced more electricity than it needed, so Industry got it’s electricity for free that day.
We have some of the highest tides in the world in parts, we can generate vast amounts of electricity at low cost.
I think we should do so.
We will still need oil and gas, rather than import it and be reliant upon others, I am all in favour of fracking.
We need to be energy independent, not relying on others.
I’d argue that repeating claims that human activity is changing our climate does not make them any stronger either.
There is no proof either way, from what I can see.
The global warming police keep telling us that it is all our fault for burning coal/wood and driving diesel cars, yet there is absolutely no proof of that.
What does count as evidence, in my mind, is land owners being paid to host windmills; land owners who are friends of the MPs!