EXACTLY as I expected, Swim.
But you did the research.
Thank you.
Nice presentation Realist, I don’t think that most people grasp the scale of the things or the effect that it can have on us. People need to think outside the box! (Or Solar System)
A few core samples of Ice and temperature readings from a miniscule snapshot of time compared to, even man’s population of this planet, would be like Forest Gump trying to forecast the next ten years lottery results.
Stephen Hawking is not very optimistic…
Thank you for your kind comments Plummy.
No great research required in this instance.
Richard North is a contemporary of mine, he is EX Military, RAF, to be precise, and an EHO.
Our paths have crossed, he is a fearsome opponent when it comes to Food Poisoning.
I have never been Military, as I have repeatedly said.
I have the highest regard for him in his particular specialism and would defer to his superior knowledge in that area.
Unfortunately I have no regard for his views in other areas which are my speciality.
------------ and your response, as a very senior officer, would be?
Sorry, I meant junior officer
New report out showing that man is not responsible for global warming…
[SIZE=“4”]Now SECOND set of data shows world temperatures have cooled… and spikes were caused by El Nino - NOT by man [/SIZE]
New official data issued by the Met Office confirms that world average temperatures have plummeted since the middle of the year at a faster and steeper rate than at any time in the recent past.
The huge fall follows a report by this newspaper that temperatures had cooled after a record spike. Our story showed that these record high temperatures were triggered by naturally occurring but freak conditions caused by El Nino – and not, as had been previously suggested, by the cumulative effects of man-made global warming.
The Mail on Sunday’s report was picked up around the world and widely attacked by green propagandists as being ‘cherry-picked’ and based on ‘misinformation’. The report was, in fact, based on Nasa satellite measurements of temperatures in the lower atmosphere over land – which tend to show worldwide changes first, because the sea retains heat for longer.
[SIZE=“4”]Cooling: New Met Office world data shows a big fall from heat spike caused by El Nino this year[/SIZE]
It is true that the massive 2015-16 El Nino – probably the strongest ever seen – took place against a steady warming trend, most of which scientists believe has been caused by human emissions
However, now the drop in temperature is also showing up in the authoritative Met Office ‘Hadcrut4’ surface record, compiled from measurements from more than 3,000 weather stations located around the world on both sea and land.
To the end of October, the last month for which figures have been released, Hadcrut4 had fallen about 0.5C from its peak in the spring.
The reason is the end of El Nino. The natural phenomenon, which takes place every few years and has a huge impact on world weather, occurs when water in a vast area of the Pacific west of Central America gets up to 3C hotter than usual.
It has now been replaced by a weak La Nina, when the water becomes colder than usual. This means temperatures may still have some way to fall.
El Nino is not caused by greenhouse gases and has nothing to do with climate change. It is true that the massive 2015-16 El Nino – probably the strongest ever seen – took place against a steady warming trend, most of which scientists believe has been caused by human emissions.
But when El Nino was triggering new records earlier this year, some downplayed its effects. For example, the Met Office said it contributed ‘only a few hundredths of a degree’ to the record heat. The size of the current fall suggests that this minimised its impact. When February produced a new hot record for that month, at the very peak of El Nino, newspapers in several countries claimed that this amounted to a ‘global climate emergency’, and showed the world was ‘hurtling’ towards the point when global warming would become truly dangerous. Now, apparently, the immediate threat has passed. It would be just as misleading to say lower temperatures caused by La Nina meant the world was into a new long-term cooling.
The Mail on Sunday’s report was picked up around the world and widely attacked by green propagandists as being ‘cherry-picked’ and based on ‘misinformation’
El Nino is not caused by greenhouse gases and has nothing to do with climate change
But the big question is: what will happen when both El Nino and La Nina are over and the Pacific water returns to its ‘neutral’, average state? Professor Judith Curry, of Georgia Tech in Atlanta, who is president of the Climate Forecast Applications Network, said it would take years before it was clear whether the long-term warming trend was slowing down, staying the same or accelerating.
‘The bottom line is that we can’t read too much into the temperatures of a year or two,’ she said. ‘We will need the perspective of another five years to understand what is going on.’
The Mail on Sunday report two weeks ago, showing that world temperatures are fast falling from their record peak, triggered outrage from green lobbyists and rival papers around the world.
There were claims – now exploded by the Met Office data shown here – that our report was ‘misleading’ and ‘cherry-picked’.
Yet bizarrely, the fiercest criticism was reserved for claims we never made – that there isn’t a long-term warming trend, mainly caused by human emissions.
This just wasn’t in our report – which presumably, critics hadn’t even read.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4021200/Hot-air-Bombshell-report-shows-green-levies-backed-government-cost-economy-319bn-2030.html#ixzz4SYuanOhI
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Yes, that’s right. Continental drift.
300,000,000 years ago Britain was in a tropical rain forest. Trees died and sank into the earth, silt and other such things covered them, the same things happened repeatedly. That’s how we come to have coal under the ground.
Over all that time, of course, we have moved into a temperate zone which is why, although we may complain about it, we have an almost ideal climate at the moment: much colder and not many crops would grow; much warmer and we’d end up with regular droughts.
The earth is constantly changing and, as a result, so is the climate.
I’m glad you posted that link and I’m also glad, incidentally, that it wasn’t the Mail or the Express or the usual suspects would be denouncing it as being exaggerated lies!
I have been saying ever since the terms ‘global warming’ and ‘climate change’ were coined that the concepts were politically inspired rubbish. To think of the expenses and inconveniences that have been caused since that became the trendy thing to worry about.
The debate that continues is largely political with various special, corporate, and industrial interests with much to gain by sowing continued doubt.
American Meteorological Society
“It is clear from extensive scientific evidence that the dominant cause of the rapid change in climate of the past half century is human-induced increases in the amount of atmospheric greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide (CO2), chlorofluorocarbons, methane, and nitrous oxide.” (2012)7
American Physical Society
“The evidence is incontrovertible: Global warming is occurring. If no mitigating actions are taken, significant disruptions in the Earth’s physical and ecological systems, social systems, security and human health are likely to occur. We must reduce emissions of greenhouse gases beginning now.” (2007)8
The following page lists the nearly 200 worldwide scientific organizations that hold the position that climate change has been caused by human action. opr.ca.gov/s_listoforganizations.php
A voice of reason, Shdowman.
It just stuns me that so many otherwise-intelligent folk don’t seem to be able to grasp that 7+ billion humans decimating forests, driving cars, burning coal and all the other stuff we do
must impact on our environment.
Many, I know, are influenced by the flat-earth propagandists who are very often tools of the religious nutter creationists or sneaky fronts for the Big Poluters.
I agree, and I have another theory.
I believe that some of the contributory factors for the cause of our latest Ice Age were early people chopping down trees and using them to burn in their camp fires. We must also consider all the methane from the bottoms of the animals they used for transport.
“our latest ice age” ?
It’s all a question of scale Pummie.
Have you ever flown across the oceans, or driven across Australia and realised how much of the Earth is not populated by man.
It’s true that decimating forests and driving cars will have a local impact on the environment but not to the extent that doom mongers suggest. Couple this to the fact that the earth’s atmosphere is constantly balancing itself out and heavy particles and gases together with toxic deposits will eventually fall to earth and be recycled or reabsorbed.
It also stuns me Pummie that otherwise intelligent folk can be taken in by the media hype and readings taken over such a short span in relation to the life of the planet.
And not forgetting it keeps a lot of people employed telling us we are doomed. It’s in their best interests to keep telling us that global warming/climate is a clear and present danger.
Some of the Ice Core information is over 600,000 years old, which could be considered a “short span” in relation to the 4.6 Billion age of the planet, but given the other evidence, one would have to deny outright cause and effect to show that the increased amounts of methane, CO2, etc. have not equaled a human made acceleration of the process. Just the historical record of the last couple of centuries show such a rate of change never found in nature prior to the industrial revolution. As to local events, 25% of the air pollution in Los Angeles comes from China.
And it sells windmills and provides rent for same for landowners.
True mate…I haven’t got a windmill but apparently I am paying a green tax for some bugger to have one.