Giant AquaDom aquarium containing 1,500 fish explodes in Berlin, Germany


A giant aquarium containing a million litres of water in the lobby of the Radisson Blu in Berlin has burst, flooding the hotel and nearby streets.

The “AquaDom” - home to 1,500 tropical fish - is 14m high (46 ft) and was described as the largest free-standing cylindrical aquarium in the world. Police said there had been “incredible maritime damage” and two people were injured by glass shards.

Images on social media showed huge amounts of damage in the hotel’s foyer.

After (video):

Debris from the break was also scattered in the street in front of the building, which was closed due to flooding. Guests have been moved out of the hotel.

Berlin’s fire brigade said more than 100 firefighters were in attendance and it was not clear what caused the break. It said it used rescue dogs to check the area inside the hotel for anyone potentially injured, with nobody found.

Police said “massive amounts” of water was flowing into nearby streets and people in the area should drive cautiously. A police source told local media there is no evidence the break was the result of a targeted attack.

That’s an appalling scene of destruction - I’m amazed that no-one was killed and so few were injured … :open_mouth:


Is, or was? Sadly the latter.

It might seem like a form of paranoia but what happened there is why I have never entered one of those aquariums that you wander about that have large tanks you walk around and under.


How terrifying for all concerned, and poor fish as well… :frowning_face:

A stupid idea in the first place imo.
A bit like a glass bridge,never in the reign of pigs pudding would you get me walking on OR under one of those.

I’m just watching it on the news, the tank looks rather unattractive in my opinion, almost industrial. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I suppose.
I wonder if they’ll install another one?

Wonder what the insurance premium for it will be next time.

…now you come to think about it! :thinking:.

Any explanation for why/how it happened?

All those fish killed - what a terrible thing to happen.
So sad.

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Material fatigue they suspect.