Geobeats about rescued animals

Recently I’ve been hooked on watching these stories of rescued dogs on Geobeats on YouTube. The owner narrates how they got the dog and the special things they did together. Heartwarming and often funny.

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This dog is so cute with the floppy ears.

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I used to watch Hope for Paws on Youtube…so uplifting the way he gets the poor pups out of some horrible situations and rehomes them :heart_eyes:

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I love that one too! The beginnings are sad but the transformations are amazing. Those rescue people have great patience and skills.

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I think anyone who can go through that every day and remain calm, unemotional (as in not gouging the eyes out of every person who is cruel to animals) deserves a medal. I don’t think there is an equivalent here in the UK…I mean, there are plenty of rescue places but none documented like this.

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