Generation no 50th Birthday Party

Hello old people,

I had so intended to mope about the house, visit the shop, eat a steak, youtube disco aside my lady-drunk, drunk on the birthday-day.

And supposing, and instead we will do almost something quite matching, almost along those lines at least, and maybe she will go to the shop for me? We argue often on this very issue; it is of course my birthday [month], y’know, April.

Hello lovelies. [Mat] shall be pedalling to the ‘supported living’ most days, so we have had many tears about that (job).

Hoping I will meet softies to play - with words & stuff/writing short stories [my thing].

Mat softie x

Hello Mat :slight_smile: a warm welcome to Over50’sForum …

That’s certainly quite a different introduction post from you … and yes, I am one of the old people you mention but there are many on here who are yet to grow up age wise! :smiley:

Enjoy your time here…:slight_smile:

Oi, less of the old, I’m a spring chicken I’ll have you know :mrgreen:

Welcome to OFF, certainly a novel introduction there. :smiley:

Hello and welcome to a fellow writer. Looking forward to reading some of your stories.

Hi Matt and welcome. I have been a writer too. Really exciting stuff - technical manuals for power electronics…:smiley:

…very lovely replies everybody…very welcoming…thank you


An old boiler chicken more like :lol:

Welcome aboard Mat. :smiley:



Hi Matchu

Sorry, I didn’t understand a word of your intro :-p but a warm welcome to you.


Hiya Matchu. Welcome to OFF from another author (of manuals for the rubber industry :015::069: )

Hiya, Mat, welcome from another old broiler from Norn Iron :mrgreen:
Your intro made me laugh :lol:


Are you a Vulcan? :wink: :lol:

No, but once upon a time I did work at a factory based at Vulcan Road :lol::lol:

Confused here but … welcome :slight_smile:
