G'day from Australia

Hi Everyone,
Just joined the over 50’s Forum from Australia.
The real beauty of the internet is that there are no borders and no matter what part of the world you live in you can now take part in forums such as this. I love to get involved in all sorts of dicussions as my background is radio talkback host, so I’ve got an opinion on almost everything. May not be right, but as an old PD (Progam Director) of mine used to say, the real fun is in the discussion.
I am currently in a marketing/sales role with the local newspaper.
Love '60’s and '70s music, interesting people, the internet, good books, good films, good journalism and a good red wine. I hope to make lots of good friends and maybe a few sparring partners on this forum

I’m brand new too - and hoping for a stimulating forum where all sorts of issues are discussed. A welcome from another new person in any case!

Hi Bob, welcome to the forum, hope you enjoy it here…

Hi Bob :039: welcome to the forum - hope you enjoy it here!:smiley:

Hi Bob and welcome to OFF - I went to Australia when I was single and I always tell people it was the best time of my life :smiley: they used to call it the ‘lucky country’ back then, maybe it has changed now.

Also, since you say you work for a local paper now I should mention I often have a go at the media, this is the big TV and national press people I hasten to point out, bye and large, where ever I’ve been, I’ve always found the local rag to be excellant, but no one ever listens to them do they :lol:

Hello Bob, a very warm welcome to you.

Hi Bob:-D From Another Newbie welcome


Nice to see you here Bob :slight_smile:

Hi and welcome Bob from a retired USA member. This is a nice forum.

Hello :039: nice to meet you-hope you enjoy the forum :slight_smile:

Hello Bob :slight_smile: welcome…

Hi Bob, I’m Bob. We’re just a couple of over 50 Bobs bobbing along through life enjoying this forum. There are some really nice folks on here that share a small piece of their lives from all over the world. I find it refreshing to be a part of this world wide community from my home in the United States. I actually prefer chatting with folks from around the world. Welcome indeed & I hope to hear you chime in often.