Gatwick Airport: Drone sightings cause delays

Apparently these were not industrial drones contrary to earlier reports.

It’s being held up by another drone - a bigger one.

I’m sure that terrorists will use these at some stage in the future for an attack.


And that, in turn, by an even bigger one!

Reminds me of an old saying:

Big fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em,
And little fleas have smaller fleas, and so ad infinitum.

Surely, they can track the radio beam to its source…
And even I could build a ‘Jammer’ that would scramble the signal and bring it to the ground…Its not rocket science is it…well perhaps…Maybe it’s the Russians, they get the blame for everything else…Or…Dare I say it…some peed off remainer wanting to blame it on brexit…

Why not build your “jammer” and prove it works?
Don’t you think they would do that if they could?

Piece of cake Purwell, I’ve already jammed TV’s, Radio’s and Mobile phones when they were analogue…:cool:
When my latest project is off the bench I’ll give it a go…:wink:


Use of jammers

It is a crime to use any apparatus, including jammers, for the purposes of deliberately interfering with wireless telegraphy (radio communications) in the UK. The maximum penalty is two years’ imprisonment and/or an unlimited fine. See section 68 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006.

Making jammers available

If you manufacture, import or distribute jammers, you may be committing a crime. The Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive 2014/30/EU, which has been implemented into UK law by the Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations 2016 (S.I. 2016/1091), places strict requirements on all electrical and electronic apparatus placed on the market or taken into service in the UK. The requirements state that apparatus must not cause excessive interference.

Ofcom may take appropriate enforcement action, including prosecution, to enforce the EMC provisions. The maximum penalty convention under the regulations is three months’ imprisonment and/or an unlimited fine. The courts can order forfeiture of stocks of equipment.

My thinking exactly. When the perpetrators using these drones to disrupt airports and flights are caught, they should be charged under the anti-terrorism laws.


I’m sure that makes a great deal of sense, but I think it would be worth it if the rules could be ‘bent’ to permit certain people (police, airport authorities, etc.) to make use of such things in these situations.

I’m sure the military already have use of such things, law or no law.

They should be hanged!

No, seriously, they are endangering life, aren’t they?

Drones Shut Down Gatwick!

Hundreds of travellers are stranded because Drones are interfering with flight safety at Gatwick Airport.

It’s more than just kid’s as there are many Drones - some which can be controlled from hundreds of miles away (apparently - but how do they get the fuel, etc?)

Snipers have been called in.

It’s going to be a turkey shoot.(not Christmas Turkey !)

They are probably worried that someone may die if hit with it when it falls.

If they have already invented a plastic-eating shark drone, then perhaps it’s time for them to invent a drone-eating drone to fly up and clear the air of this menace.

Actually, when I was in the RAF I ‘came by’ an old oscilloscope. I know nothing about them, of course, but plugged it in in my room and had a fiddle with it.

Imagine my interest, to say nothing of joy, when I altered certain settings to hear the chap next door’s radio going awry. I can’t remember exactly, but the sounds appeared to suffer some sort of low frequency interference.

Of course, I just had to keep twiddling knobs to see what would happen. What fun!

Does nobody in the vicinity of Gatwick possess a shotgun? More seriously these drones are battery powered and most can’t even manage an hour in the air so for this to go on so long they must have been landing to change batteries several times. Suspicious.

The existing technology to jam drones was very effectively demonstrated on the ITV news at six. However it cannot be used due to the laws introduced by the government to prevent the use of speed camera radar jammers. Can’t lose all that lovely money now, can we.

Oh and when jammed the drone, loses contact with its controller and, returns to its launch point.


That doesn’t sound right Ted. RC transmitters don’t have that kind of range. The perpetrators will be nearby.

Their actions are so serious that they are sure to go to prison imo.