Garden Photos, Welcome you to add Yours as well

I’m sure that you’ll find somewhere to put them Mups.

This climber had flowers earlier in the year, they died off slowly …and now more!

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I have the recipe for an amazing Evil Brew that works brilliantly on roses.
Saw it in the free Waitrose weekend paper.

You need a large jar with a lid.
Cut up banana skins and gradually fill the jar adding cold water as you go to cover the skins.
After a day or so the water begins to ferment.
Strain and add an equal amount of fresh water to dilute.
Mine makes about 2pints a time, we get through a couple of bananas a day…
Pour onto the roots of your roses and hey presto!!

(After the builders had departed and the scaffolding had been removed and the heavy sheets had been taken off the plants and shrubs (exterior of house repaired rerendered and repainted) I thought all the roses had died…now they’ve totally revived and are blooming! :heavy_check_mark:

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Sounds interesting, but what’s the recipe for, Ruthio?

Is it for treating Black Spot, aphids, a feed, or what?

It’s potassium fertiliser for roses​:rose: :wilted_flower:

Here you go ~ issue 606, page 43

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Ta muchly, will have a look. :+1:

The yellow is from a packet, the darker one is from bird seed.


Lovely, Caricature.
I always grow some Sunflowers, but they were useless this year for some reason. Never had that happen before.

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I like your bird seed one…although its indicitive of the poor quality of bird seed! :frowning_face:

I tried a sunflower once…got so far then had to repot it. Of course, it died after that.

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I get a lot of bees on this plant




Oh I do like these, Logan! I might try and get some for next year. They look quite tall, do you have to stake them?

Thank you Pixieknuckles they grow to 18ins but they’ve grown taller in the pictures because they’re not in full sun. So yes you would have to stake them if not in full sun. Can get shorter varieties that are about 10 Ins which i might get next time.

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Thanks Logan…so if I were to plant mine at the front, which does get most of the days sunshine (given that its also Scotland, which has to be taken into account! :roll_eyes: ) I would probably get stakes. They are very pretty! :sunflower:

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Yes it might be best,but have to find out and thanks.

Fuchsia Eva Bourg

Trailing geranium

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Now the problem is keeping them all watered !

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One of our neighbour cut down his rose bush. Before we did that my wife took a tiny little cutting off it. Weeks later…

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Very pretty but to help it make roots I’d cut the flowers off to help it, that’s what I’ve done to mine.

There were no flowers before my wife took the cutting. This is her comment:
“I could not believe it rooted so quickly. I did put rooting compound on it and just stuck it in the soil and kept it watered but that’s all I did.”

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