Funny cat positions

Sorry, nothing.

When I replied, I saw an attachment, but when I tried to load this I got the same message as last time.

May I ask, it the picture you are trying to post a jpeg? Also, how large is it in Mb?

Hi Meg.

No it says invalid attachment.

Cassie ā€¦ finding a sunny patch.

Hope you can see this one :wink:

Here is a picture of my Puss-Cat at about a year and a half, in 2006ā€¦ :smiley:

They love those sunny bits donā€™t they. Ours do that. :-p

Amazing how they can twist like that. They always look so uncomfortable.

Hereā€™s Olivia again ordering her catnip online.

Not my cat, but makes me laugh:


Olivia, is quite knowledgeable, isnā€™t she? :smiley:

Too funny! :smiley:

Olivia is just beautiful, Longdogsā€¦ :slight_smile:

Cassie looking at her favourite siteā€¦

hahaha, this really made me laugh out loud, I didnā€™t expect that :lol:

wow, this is a stunning cat, I want one

oh, sheā€™s such a tart showing her bits hahaha, fab photo Mags x


Cassie is beautiful !

How lovely - it is amazing how they can twist themselves round like that!:smiley:

Donā€™t introduce her to ā€˜Techno catā€™ whatever you do - he causing me enough grief already !:-D:-D

I know Silver Tabbyā€¦it actually looks like a yoga pose and quite painfulā€¦:smiley: