
You do a good job Keezoy, glad to have you on the Standards Commission.:wink:

Too bloody right cobber. I’m rool glad all o’youse over there in pommie land appreciate a bloke from down under who can talk good and be a bonzer example to youse all. :slight_smile:

Welcome Jane! Bruce, Keezoy and I represent the Southern Hemisphere. I brought these for you!

Lucky beggar lives in Ozland while we are locked down in the Artic U.K. .
Never mind we are all coming down to visit as soon as lockdown is over so be afraid be very afraid ( what did you say your address was again?)

Not you Jane Vicky welcome to OFF you have struck lucky we are a very friendly lot here :slight_smile:

How lovely are these sadly the rest of us are living in the Siberian wastelands just now .:frowning: