Tomorrow Morley Eagles Baseball Club will be having their first get together before the start of the new season.
I think I will go along and become a non playing member.
I doubt I will have to work Saturday because I am all caught up, doing Mondays work today.
By the by, I am an machine operator now. Learning to use the Kinetic Plasma Cutter. 9 days in and it is all starting to sink into my brain. The procedures that is.
No holiday romance then?
Why the change of job ?
You can answer the questions in any order.
I have not changed my job. I am “upskilling”, I benefit - higher wage, the company benefits, more operators mean no down time when operators take leave or can not attend for the day.
Good.I was afraid there would be no more gluts.
Plenty of gluts to go around. Would you like a couple?
2", 4" or 6"?
I’ll have to pass thanks.We seem to have a superabundance of our own.
What’s a glut?
I’ll let Brett explain.He’s the expert.I’ve never actually seen one.
A glut is a piece of wood which is placed under something to raise it off the floor/ground so a forklift can lift it. Two pieces are used.
A glut is used to keep products off the floor/ground.
The gluts are the two pieces on the bottom of this bundle of wood.
Ah right, I thought a glut was a surplus of something.
When I was 19 I worked ina timber yard and what you call a glut I’d call a skid so I’ve learned something new today.
You are correct. A glut is an overabundance of something.
Maybe I should have used the term - Timber Glut or Transport Glut.
How does that explain “Skid Marks”?
I still would have been none the wiser.