Fresh or Frozen Veg?


I am now buying more frozen veg and fruit.

Much easier to handle, ready prepared and no wasteage.
I also grow my own
Frozen has advantages, there is no waste, you just use what you need.

This gives me more room to grow things that I like.


Nothing wrong with frozen fruit/veg, Swimmy. Not being much of a gardener I buy fresh and freeze my own. There is always lots in the freezer!!

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I always have plenty frozen veg in my freezer. Also strawberries and raspberries .

Frozen veg is just as healthy and contains same or more nutrients than fresh.

Yep frozen is good. Enjoy Swimmy


I use both fresh and frozen . I feezed loads of fruit, plumbs and damsons mainly. Frozen fruit is a godsend though the winter and when I have eaten my own I buy from British Frozen Fruits a farm not far from here raspberries,plumbs, blackcurrants and gooseberries . Sadly they have run out of many fruits this year I guess due to a shortage of pickers.

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I live on my own, which brings a problem with buying fresh fruit, and especially vegetables - I can’t eat it fast enough!

If I buy a cabbage, cauliflower and so on I end up having them for several meals in succession, which I’ve got used to, but even so they’re getting a bit tired towards the end
The alternative is to buy three mushrooms, two carrots etc, which immediately marks me down as a sad and lonely old man

Salads are worse, if I’m not careful they’re definitely getting tired and manky towards the end
When I do have a few veg that need eating up quickly I add some more carrots & beans and make them all into a veg stew, even the salads such as lettuce & cucumber - as long as there’s not too much just dice it fine and it blends in
This sort of veg stew expands so I usually have one meal as cooked, then the next day, when it’s cooled I dispense it into single servings in plastic bags and freeze them

So yes, I buy a lot of frozen veg, then I can use as much or as little as I want
Gradually I’ve stopped eating a lot of meat and find I’m eating more vegetables, though not completely veggie or vegan, especially since I’m trying to lose weight
I also have diabetes, and for ages I’ve cut down on stodge, sweet, processed, and junk food; and booze too.

But back to frozen veg – fruit & veg that is quickly harvested, picked, & frozen is as good as, and possibly better than, veg that has been hanging around in storage for ages

All frozen food sections will have a lot of chips, pizzas, ice cream, and so on, but of those I’ve used, for fruit & veg I grade them as -

Typical supermarket - ASDA, Sainsbury, LIDL, Tesco, & Co - generally OK, certainly good enough for average or everyday

Iceland - besides the usual veg, have a good root around the freezers and there are less common things like broad beans, baby sweetcorn, and different semi prepared veg combinations

Farm Foods - definitely downmarket. Just the average veg and a lot of processed & junk food

Recently I visited a large local Asian food store and noticed that their freezers had frozen okra/ladies fingers and a lot of more exotic fish, veg, and other stuff; I might just go again for a better look

Mostly fresh veg, the only frozen I buy is, Button Brussels, Sweetcorn and Peas.

The only frozen I buy is Broad Beans … always liked them and frozen is a good option. Small ones from Tesco or bigger peeled from the Arab shop.

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Frozen is better than buying fresh because it’s frozen straight from the fields. Also have canned fruit such as pineapple, peaches, apricots and pears. Can’t grow them myself and the fresh from supermarket have to wait for them to ripen and for me personally think that they’re not so nutritious.

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I use both fresh and frozen too. More frozen veg than fruit though because I like oranges, cooking apples, strawberries and grapes and don’t fancy any of them frozen thanks. :grapes:

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I use both fresh and frozen - fresh from my garden in season and frozen when out of season. I dislike frozen green vegetables such as brussels and broccoli because the taste seems very strong. I buy frozen blueberries to add to my cereals at breakfast and I tried frozen raspberries but gave up on them because they seemed to disintegrate when frozen for some reason, lots of small pieces rather than whole raspberries. I love frozen peas possibly even more than fresh ones … I’ve tried freezing runner beans but without much success so I eat loads of them when in season from my garden.


I buy a frozen raspberries and blueberries much cheaper than fresh.
Also frozen peas, beans & oven chips

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Where would I be without my frozen chips and Coles carrots, peas and corn?


I have read that on occasions frozen veggies are better than “fresh” from the super market because they are harvested, processed and snap frozen within days so retain all their nutrition.

Fruit, potatoes and onions are about the only things I buy fresh.