December 2018 news regarding HGV Driver Shortages…
Canary Island of Palma Spain…some very nice news
This is interesting about the ‘‘Gates of Hell’’ , had no idea about Turkmeniston and the strict regime they had either.
The Darvasa Gas Crator has been burning now for 50 years and the story around it is worth a read…
no your right, it is not French News…
Does not sound good news to me…
Spanish actually…
France’s Senate passed Thursday Article 25 of a security law that allows off-duty police officers to carry their firearms into public establishments such as theatres and shopping centres, and forbids the management of such places from preventing it. The article drew opposition from across the political spectrum despite its passage.
Not as well known as the same security law’s Article 24, which aimed to criminalise the dissemination of images of police officers that could harm their “physical or mental integrity” and sparked widespread protests in France, Article 25 provides that local officers and gendarmes (national police) who carry their weapons while off-duty can no longer be refused access to places like museums, cinemas, shopping centres and schools, which France classifies as ERP – establishments open to the public.
While French senators passed Article 25 by a vote of 214 to 121 without any changes to the version already approved by the lower-house National Assembly, the article raised questions and provoked an outcry from senators of all political persuasions.
French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin pointed out during the Senate’s debate that police officers carrying weapons while off-duty is not a new phenomenon. Since 2016, officers have had the right to carry their firearms outside working hours if they have requested it from superiors. Today, more than 30,000 officers in France bring their firearms home.
Well had no idea of that law…
Need to make friends with Mr.Plod…
Having read about the amount of guns held by people in France, mostly Hunters to be exact.
This has added to the fuel, now is the time to stop Hunting with Guns…I know this will not happen though…
Macron backs down on putting sanctions on UK tomorrow ??
Yeah, like we were bovvered !!
you sound like what was a bovver boy of the 60’s…
maybe you should just move on…
I don’t do aggro myself…