Free books online - Page By Page Books

Earlier this morning and purely by accident, I happened to find the website below when searching for something entirely different but still concerning books. This website may be of some use to members here so I have posted the link below for anyone who may be interested:

Interesting Baz, thanks for the link. I shall add to my favourites for now. I wonder if there is a way to upload to a Kindle?

Most of these free sites use .epub but there are programs like Calibre which will convert it to Mobi (I think that is what Kindle use)

Get Calibre from here:

Even better Calibre is an ebook manager which will work with your Kindle. The important thing is to ensure that only one ebook manager is running at a time because otherwise they can stuff up the database on the ebook reader.

You are probably familiar with Gutenberg they are a great place for copyright free books

You are more than welcome Longdogs, I just found it so though someone on OFF might find it useful. In addition to Bruce’s information there’s more on the link below about converting to Kindle that may be of interest:

Personally I’ve never gone in for any of the e-book readers, much preferring the ‘real thing’ (something to do with being in the printing trade all my working life) but e-book readers are, I would imagine very good for, say, taking multiple books away on a holiday. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the links guys. I suppose the obvious thing to do first is to check whether they are free on Kindle in the first place. Most of the classics are.

Handy for those without a Kindle.