Foxy's Latest Project

Respect Foxy, very tidy, at the moment, the Conservatory contains two BMW Z3 bonnets, Two doors and a Bootlid for the same, A complete beige leather interior for the same, a Honda CB750 F2N exhaust system, two Marshall Amplifiers, The loft is full of stuff also, and, we are looking to move to a Bungalow.:wink:

Thanks Spitty…:023:
The trouble with people like us is that we need lots of storage space and it sometimes intrudes on day to day living…:confused:

True. Marge’s dresses, etc., take up far too much room.
I’ll have to talk to her about that.

Everything’s looking really neat and tidy sly old grey fox !
Very nifty!

Congratulations on your projects, Foxy, you are very talented!

I know so well what you mean about storage space. I also live in a bungalow and, when I began ‘crafting’ I was positive that all my needs could be kept in a large storage box. Well - so they can - it is a 12ft x 12ft box that thought it was a bedroom!

Computer station.

Jewellery making supplies

Cutting station

Storage shelves

Storage drawers

Printer station

Oooh Tabby! What a well organised craft room! Did you tidy before taking the pics? :shock:

No - that is as it is - most of the time!:-D:-D

Sorry, Foxy, for hijacking your thread. :blush:

No need to apologise at all Tabby, I love to see other peoples contributions to this thread. I must say, that is an extremely tidy, and well organised workroom Tabby, and I bet you know where everything is…:shock: I can only work for so long in my workshop while stuff is accumulating before I have to stop work, put everything back in its place, and clean up…:smiley:

Exactly the way I work too, Foxy… I’m glad I have a separate space to play in. I need to see what I have, rather than have storage. When I did have drawers and things, I ended up with doubles because I forgot what I had. I am quite envious of anybody who can keep a work room tidy! :smiley:

ST!!! I’m so jealous! Excellent storage and so tidy!
Perhaps it’s time for me to take up crafting :038:

Coooeee! Have you found any treasures as yet?

She want her cut!

Hi Minx, unfortunately I’ve not been out detecting yet, I’ve been working on another project and my daughter had an operation last Saturday so I’ve been driving her back and forth to Leeds for some follow up treatment. It’s still not recommended that we travel any further than local for now.

How is your daughter doing, Foxy?

She is doing very well thanks for asking Pixie. The surgeon was very pleased with his work, and last Friday we took her for a change of dressing and the nurse commented on how fast she was healing. Her hubby goes back to work tomorrow so Mrs Fox is going to stay with her for a week, so I’m on my own. I’ve cleared a space next to the sink for the pots to mount up…:smiley:

Aye, you say that now but I guarantee in the hourly countdown to Mrs Fox’s return, that kitchen will be sparkling! :twisted: Glad your daughter is healing well too! :smiley:

When I first read your previous post I thought you meant heat sink and potentiometers. Silly me.

I’m looking forward to seeing the photo’ Mrs Fox is going to take of you in A & E, wearing a saucepan on your head. :twisted:

Just returned home after dropping her off…Blimey! it sure is quiet in here…:cool:

Hi sly old grey fox!

Is the dishes piling up as yet?
I’m hoping your daughter is recovering well :hug:

Ha Ha Ha…Thanks for the good wishes Minx, Marie is doing well thanks, and I will be taking her for her next appointment on Friday…The dishes are under control, but my underwear is running low, I may have to go ‘Commando!’…:shock: