Forum revisited

Hello everyone

I used to post on the (very) old forum, but finally found my way back here.

Regards to all

Isle of Wight

Hello Lindy - I’ve got a record titled - ‘Lindyloo’ :-p
Welcome :slight_smile:

welcome home Linda…:-D…H

Hello Patsy and HTB - thanks for the welcome. I look forward to joining in various topics and threads.

Hello and welcome (back!) from me too :smiley:

Hello and welcome. :slight_smile:

Hello Lindy :slight_smile: a very warm return welcome to the forum …

Hello Lindy :slight_smile: welcome back…

Hello Lindy, and a welcome return to you:-)

Hello Lindyloo.:039:

Hello Lindy, from a lovely part of the country.


Good evening Linda darlin’ and welcome back

Hi Lindy and welcome back from me too :slight_smile:

Hi Linda from another Linda. :smiley:

What a great welcome. Thanks everyone, good to make your electronic acquaintance.

Hi Lindyloo, a warm welcome to yoo.

Hiya Lindyloo welcome to the forum from me too :041:

Welcome to the forum again Lindyloo.
Hope you enjoyed your trip and its nice to come home isn’t it :wink:

from Sandy

Welcome LL, on my 3rd visit myself, joined a long time ago and forgot all my user details :slight_smile:

Welcome back Linda.