Foreign Office Hacked

I dont know much about this yet. It just said on the late news that the Foreign Office has been hacked and either Russia or China is suspected.

Frightening times …

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Foreigners in the foreign office. It could easily be an honest mistake. :thinking:

Boris the Barmy - trying to hide his cake again!

I’m reminded of the butcher in Dads Army " don’t panic don’t panic Mr Mannering don’t panic"

well if little old fatso in North Korea can siphon off millions via cyber sources what hope has the good old foreign office got?

Not a lot!

When ever I hear Russia or China mentioned why is it that I get the feeling we are being taught to hate these two countries…Why does Boris like to keep poking the Russian bear with a stick?

A bit more info:

I can’t really make head nor tail of all this. :thinking: