Forager's Thread

We make blackberry and apple crumble, sometimes we’ll tinker around with the recipe, add cinnamon and perhaps a little ginger, we’ll be chucking in a few crab apples later in the year just to compliment the Bramley’s. Muffins are are a real goer too!

I’ve not used them to make anything alcoholic yet, that’s my next little project, defo going to be blackberry whiskey, I’m going to add a little cinnamon and lemon and orange zest just to give it that festive spicy zing , should just be drinkable by Christmas :slight_smile:

My son is studying hospitality at college and he really gets a buzz out of getting creative with things that he’s found and foraged.


Ive added a few of my Blackberries to a Strawberry Milk Jelly , tasted really nice…


Oooh , that does sound nice :+1:


Great thread!

Anyone know what kind of Apples these are?

They look more like the one’s @Eliza posted rather than the ones like @Chilliboot posted :smiley:

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yes they do look like the ones i picked from a Tree in a hedgerow , I might add I made a Apple pie with them and even though i sugared liberally , It was rather sour, Ive some left I may add a custard next time to pour over

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Sounds like they could be the same Eliza, they were definitely very tart when I picked some last year… but I thought I might have picked them too early :icon_redface:

Any idea when the best time is to pick them?

I’m afraid I haven’t a clue Azz.
Is that a wild tree or one in your garden? My understanding is that wild crab apples often grow from discarded pips and cores and revert to the smaller tarter fruit bearing trees, a mish mash of varieties I suppose.


For those who do have an interest in fungi I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this book. It’s very informative and the colour plates are superb, certainly the best guide on the subject I’ve ever owned.

I will say it’s not exactly pocket sized so not really practical as a field guide, great to come home to though!


That looks like a great book! Plenty of mushrooms where I am. Trouble is, most of them seem to be magic and disappear as soon as they grow :flushed:


Hmm… I’m glad it’s not just me. The best one’s seem to appear at the most inconvenient and inappropriate times. By the next day they’ve decayed, been kicked to pieces or disappeared :mushroom:

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Wild garlic pesto

Definitely out of season now but something that we always look forward to in Spring. It takes two kilos of leaves to make a smallish jar of pesto but man is it packed with flavour!
We have an area locally that’s absolutely carpeted with the stuff so over picking isn’t an issue


I saw it made recently on a YT, made from wild Garlic,it grows close by in a wood ,
I shall give it a go ,

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It tastes lovely, it really does :grinning:

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It’s a wild one Paul - and it wouldn’t surprise me if it was from a discarded pip, tho I imagine it would have been a long time ago as the tree is pretty big :slight_smile:

Have you got any recommendations for general foraging books? I’d love to get into it just because I am a fan or natural organic food :smiley:

Could be a way for you to make some money Pixie :081:

I am joking of course! Tho I would be open to the idea of trying a ‘microdose’ of psilocybin one day!

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I love this guys videos…he is really thorough and easy to watch/listen to.


There are so many available Azz.
I really enjoy The River Cottage series of Handbooks, they really are well written and a decent price too.I’ve got a couple although I might splash out on another one tonight, Amazon here I come :wink:


Ah nice, thanks Paul!

While there (and seeing you have a book on preserves) you might also like:

I love it, it’s so well written and beautifully presented :smiley:

Thanks Azz!

I’ve been checking it out on Amazon, one for the Christmas list :+1:
Actually that’s not so very far away…oops :zipper_mouth_face:


Hush your mouth!! :astonished:

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Too late!
Story of my life :christmas_tree: :christmas_tree: :christmas_tree: