Forager's Thread

Homemade wild blackberry crumble…


Oh my gosh that looks incredible!

My bramble bush is still flowering somewhat, with little berries forming. We are very behind up here :frowning:

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That’s alright, something to look forward to, it’s not a competition :wink::+1:
Anyway, all credit to my son, he made it :slightly_smiling_face:

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Well done your boy! I am very impressed :smiley:

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I shall pass that message on :slightly_smiling_face:

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Homemade wild blackberry muffins :yum:


That crumble looks decadent!

I make something similar, with Georgia peaches, pecans, and a dash of almond extract.

It is a supreme law of the universe that it is served with vanilla ice cream.


Mmmm! Sounds delicious, now that is a law that should never be broken :+1:


Too bloody hot for blackberry picking - we did thirty minutes and then home to forage for a cold beer from the fridge!

Cheers people! :beers:


Know how you feel :neutral_face:
Curfew’s just started now, woe betide anyone who dares going out there! :fire:

Hope you managed to pick enough blackberries to make more of those delicious-looking muffins.

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Good grief!
I had no idea, I hadn’t checked the news today up until now, it puts my whinging into perspective!

But yes, the blackberries are plentiful, some for freezing some to use at the drop of a hat, in the fridge for a smoothie or just to add to ice cream… vanilla of course :wink::+1:

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Yummy, yummy!