Forager's Thread

Got there eventually!

Much mushing and crushing…

We set a little aside for a sample… it’d be rude not to…

And the rest is destined for the freezer!


Time to get some of that wild garlic butter out of the freezer to defrost. We have some two day old soda bread to use up. Garlic bread with a sprinkling of smokey green jalapeno from Borough Market and a liberal sprinkling of Maldon Salt… great with pizza this lunchtime!:+1:

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I wouldn’t want to get all premature, it’s a long time to autumn but it was a pleasure to see our favourite local crab apple tree in blossom… something to look forward to.

Apologies to all those on the forum who are well versed in the art of photography…


Looks promising!

My cherry trees are in full blossom and one of my fig trees has some little figs already sprouted.


Looking gorgeous against that blue sky… the promise of things to come!

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Well, I have mentioned this on a couple of the good morning topics but I thought this would be the ideal place to post a quick review of the new outdoor pan.

At 7inch diameter it’s just right for stowing away in the day bag for a hike or a larger rucksack when camping/fishing etc. The nonstick coating seems to be durable and as long as it’s treated with respect I’m confident it’s going to do it’s job well. The handles have a nice soft grippy rubber finish which is really useful, no need to wrap a cloth around them to avoid burning the fingers. They’ll have to be kept away from direct heat and flame of course.

I’m rather pleased with the ridged base too, not only should that aid heat distribution but it helps the pan sit more securely on the cooker, particularly if it’s a higher profile unit like the Lixada in the picture :+1:

I’m looking forward to taking it out and testing it, I’ve yet to decide what’s going to be on the menu :wink:

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Thought this might interest some it mentions a book for The first time Forager

Thank you Eliza, I’ll shall have a sit down and read that a bit later. Today isn’t going to be a day for putting it into practice, it’s pouring down, just for a pleasant change :wink:

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