For Us Ladies. Tips & Tricks for Beauty in Maturity

And if you ever want to scare anyone away, apply the mask and answer the door.
Dried egg whites on the face create so many wrinkles you won’t even recognize yourself. :face_with_hand_over_mouth::rofl:


emu oil? never heard of that but I must look it up. My husbands skin is allergic to everything except clinique deodorant and thats expensive.

This stuff is pure emu oil with a natural preservative in it. I’m not as sensitive as your husband and can’t say for certain that this will work for him but I’m over joyed that it’s working for me. I’ve read reviews from others with conditions far worse than mine and they looked not only genuine but promising.

Here’s the type I got. I realize I live across the pond but with internet just about anything can be purchased online. !

Note. That’s Canadian dollars too

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Were amy emu’s harmed in the making of this product?!!

I find that when I take my glasses off I look much younger. With em on if I look in the mirror I see uneven skin tone, lines and wrinkles, take em off, and look in the mirror and all is smooth and youthful, I would keep them off all the time, but I can hardly see a thing without them.



(thats down yer chest bits!)

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Ah yes, the French say it so well


I thought collage was pasting bits of coloured paper together to make wall murals.


You could try that…let us know how it goes! :stuck_out_tongue:

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My chesty bits have gone down.

Gravity is calling but I’m keeping it at bay…for now

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Unfortunately emu’s are bred and killed for their food by the Aborigines of Australia however these natives believe in using the entire animal so the emu oil is also taken and used.

I do try as much as possible to get products which are animal cruelty free. This one isn’t as clear as most .

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Well that’s one story.

Actually 1000s of Emus are farmed on two sites in Victoria, one in Queensland and one in NSW, they are killed at 3 years old. Most of their oil is exported to the USA. Farming started in the 1970 with a boom expected, it did not occur only very few farms remain.

How do I know? It was on the radio just this last Sunday.


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Oh! :flushed::astonished::confounded:

This is most disturbing. Normally I purchase most of my skin products from health food stores. The main reason I purchase these things from there is not only that they are all natural but are made free of cruelty to animals. I’m going to have to rethink this.

This product I got from a gift shop I walked into with my sister in law a few weeks ago and didn’t think to ask about how it was derived.

However I didn’t kill them so I’m not going to feel guilty or bad about it. I’ve got enough things to feel bad about. :lol:

Why would cruelty be involved? Australia has laws relating to the humane slaughter of animals.

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Yeah. I guess they would. I’m soooo against cruelty to animals and I’d like to look into this but I’m scared I’ll be haunted by it and never use it again. Why do I complicate things so?
I’m not actually seeking an answer.

Yes. I’m going to be ok with it. This stuff works so well that I don’t want to give it up.

Thanks Bruce. That makes me feel better. I guess animal rights would shut them down otherwise.

Are you standing on your head then? :grin: