For fun, if you could choose, what's your next incarnation?

If you could be reincarnated as anyone or anything, what would it be?

I was watching Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. There’s a species called Dax. It’s a symbiant being who joins with a new host. The host remembers everything from past lives.

If you could take on a new form but remember everything from the past, what would you want to be?

If I was a girl I’d like to come back looking like Dax.

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Why do you have to be a girl? Dax was an old man in the last incarnation.

Because she was very attractive.
I’ve changed my mind ,I’d want to be one of Tabby’s cats.That would be a good life.


Come back as my wife and leave me alone.

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Rasputin so I could come back and move in with Artful Dodger :laughing:



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I would come back as me but because I could remember everything I would ensure I didnt make the same mistakes…doubtless I would make new ones instead :slight_smile: …one thing though I would certainly invest in Mr Gates so money would not be a problem…sounds great doesn’t it…if only :slight_smile:

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Animal? Deffo a cat in an indulgent house, I almost live that lifestyle now 🐈‍⬛

Historical? Berthe Morisot. To be able to paint like that and hang out in Paris with the Impressionists in that era…. Wow!

Fantasy? Well obviously Beatrix Kiddo from Kill Bill….just because :rofl:

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My dog/s because they have all been so damned spoiled LOL


Anne Boleyn - but with the caveat that I was found innocent at my trial and they topped Henry the Horrid instead and stuck his head on top of the Tower to feed the Ravens.

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An albatross.

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Pssst! could not coud

Nice one!

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Not sure really…probably a spider so I can scare the living daylights out of everybody. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :spider:


I am not scared of spiders Pixie, but if you come to my house could you please not fall in the cats water bowls…I have had to rescue 2 drowning spiders recently! :grin:


Most definitely a squirrel…you did say 'for fun".

Nice fluffy tail, moves very quickly, running through trees, furry coat to keep warm, and…can fill both cheeks with nuts!

What more could an incarnation ask for? :innocent:


I’m assuming that if I carry the knowledge and skills over to the Spidery life, I’ll be able to swim a bit… Having said that, I’d rather not get familiar with the inside of a cat’s mouth, so…yes, alright, since you asked nicely, I’ll avoid the cats water bowl! :smiley:


Ooooh a dolphin for sure,they are so beautifull and majestic.