If you could be reincarnated as anyone or anything, what would it be?
I was watching Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. There’s a species called Dax. It’s a symbiant being who joins with a new host. The host remembers everything from past lives.
If you could take on a new form but remember everything from the past, what would you want to be?
I would come back as me but because I could remember everything I would ensure I didnt make the same mistakes…doubtless I would make new ones instead …one thing though I would certainly invest in Mr Gates so money would not be a problem…sounds great doesn’t it…if only
Anne Boleyn - but with the caveat that I was found innocent at my trial and they topped Henry the Horrid instead and stuck his head on top of the Tower to feed the Ravens.
I am not scared of spiders Pixie, but if you come to my house could you please not fall in the cats water bowls…I have had to rescue 2 drowning spiders recently!
I’m assuming that if I carry the knowledge and skills over to the Spidery life, I’ll be able to swim a bit… Having said that, I’d rather not get familiar with the inside of a cat’s mouth, so…yes, alright, since you asked nicely, I’ll avoid the cats water bowl!