This is terrible .
Is their no end to the atrocities that this wicked regime is prepared to commit .
In a word No. Their hold on power relies almost entirely on subjugation. Their greatest fear is a population that rises up in their masses and rejects them. Making an example of headline protesters is all they have left.
Iran is football mad so footballers carry a lot of weight with the public .
Here is another footballer who is now a manager but luckily for him is outside of Iran .
He has been denounced by the regime and his property confiscated.
I think it’s dreadful, but they rule by control and fear I believe, another message from them, that they are getting across, by sentencing this footballer to death…living in fear must be awful…I pray his execution wont go ahead.
Just sickening, those fiends have no right to be in power after the way they behave towards the people. I really hope they get toppled and then their due deserts.
Words fail me tbh.
But we are powerless to do anything,which makes it so maddening.
I don’t personally think we are powerless. But if the west were to use its power all that will happen is we would have another Iraq , and we all know how that turned out. At this moment in time a slap on the wrist is all we have .
Another appalling example of this murderous regime. Little that I can do to help though. It is a fact that you get what you pay for, and if this is the price the Iranians are prepared to pay, then it is how they will be served by their leaders. I’m afraid it is up to them. It wouldn’t suit me, and I wouldn’t sit idly by watching it happen here, nor should they. Time for them to bite the bullet and rise up against these totalitarian mullah’s, or just accept what they are given.
Its difficult to protest when protest means a death sentence .
200+ have died protesting against the murder of the young woman over the headscarf.
Most were young people some were minors