Football players pay rise

Friend of mine is a caretaker just of Regent’s Park , the town houses over look regents pk , and are crown properties , the lease cost many millions to buy , some resident have brought two flats and knock into one large flat , two other chaps I know that are chuffeurs one of them works for a Arab family , they basically visit the flat one or twice a year if that , my friend drives a brand new Mercedes and get really good wage for just keeping a eye on the place , there’s also two full time cleaners working in arabs flat , again on a good wage and doesn’t hardly do any work until the residents come to the uk , Norman the other chuffeur work for Marget thatcher on and off for years

But that the cleaning job to have , one can do other work and get two wages per week

It is good to diversify.

Don’t think anyone on here would complain if they had a skill that made them millions , just seems if other people earns well people get the ass about them , good luck to anyone that earns well my motto

I don’t think many of us have a problem with people earning as much as they wish all we want is enough to live on too. If the two are not compatible then we need to work out a way to get rid of those of us who are not able through disability or lack of skills to make enough to live on comfortably - lethal injection ? gas chamber ? whatever suits the high earners I suppose. Because not being willing to share means they need to find a way to take care of the rest of us.