Football, England versus Slovenia

Just watched the first half of the England/Slovenia match and I have to say, England must be the most boring and frustrating team to watch. Too much back passing allowing Slovenia to pull most of their team back in defence. Skilled players of the past would dribble around an opposing player making for exciting and attacking football, today they seem frightened to attack and pass back and hardly ever get close enough for a shot at goal…Could it be that skilled players are a thing of the past?

Full Time…That’s 94 minutes of my life I won’t get back… :frowning_face:
Should’ve watched ‘Bangers and Cash’ … :red_car:


I did watch Bangers and Cash, Ferrari 250 tribute, beautiful.


You could do worse than watch State of Origin footie from Melbourne tonight. It will be fast and furious you can guarantee that.

(I won’t be watching)


I agree Foxy, they just didn’t seem to have that confidence or desire to do the necessary. There’s certainly something missing, whatever it is they need to find it pretty sharpish. I did admire Slovenia’s solid, structured style even if it wasn’t particularly exciting.


Funny old competition. England doesn’t score a goal in two matches. Only one goal in the three played. Yet they still qualify to go through to the next bit. :man_shrugging:


Yep, its not where you finish, its where you start, it seems.


The problem with this years Tournament is quite simply the introduction of the best 3rd placed teams also qualifying for the knockout stage
This changes the Psyche and the dynamics of the Group stage, as previously, only the top two teams qualify for the knockout stage
Were England Great? no, but top the group and qualify, had you have asked any England fan before the Tournament would you take it?, the answer would be an overwhelming yes

Got to give Slovenia their dues, set up as a 4-4-2, played as a solid unit, and got the minimum 1 point they were hoping for (they would of preferred a win obviously), and their fans at the end deservedly celebrated such
Still, the last of the Group games tonight (Weds 26th), then it’s on to the knockout stage from Saturday 29th, that is when the games should generally get a little more lively
Games on, and good luck whoever your Country is


England have done well to qualify but last night was a dull and uninspiring game. To be fair though, most of them in this tournament have been equally dull. So many games have seen lots of possession, few inspiring attacks, too many players not moving about in order to create gaps.

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Boring beyond belief,i shall not be watching any more of over rated/overpaid footballers

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The ladies have produced faster, more skilled and exciting football than all the men’s teams so far in the euro’s, with the exception of Germany, god help us if we ever face them.
I’m hoping that Darren is right and the quality of football steps up in the sudden deaths playoffs…
So I might give England one more chance, but they might be coming home after the next game…Can’t wait for the Tour-de-France… :man_biking: Even darts or fishing might be more exciting than the football…

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Are WE Really On “Cloud Coocoo”?

What are England’s odds to win Euro 2024?

  • England: 7/2
  • Germany: 4/1
  • Spain: 9/2
  • France: 6/1
  • Portugal: 7/1
  • Netherlands: 12/1
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If those odds are accurate. “Insider” Betting.
Roll on 5pm.
A replication of 1966!! >> Eng. 4 v Gem 2.
Should take us out of the >> Doldrums [Dole-Drums] :grinning:

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