Food shortages after Brexit - stock up with what?

Same here and it’ s Seabrook Crinklecut Seasalted for me .:smiley:

Burt’s for me but cheese & onion. :lol:

Yep…They’ll do Zuleika…Yum Yum…:smiley:

Pom-Bears have replaced Mars Bars in my diet.

I do like the odd Pom bear.

Are they something to do with Bruce…?..:017:


Pom bears are well nice, low fat too!

I think they are horrible, I tried one once. At least my grandkids don’t get their crisps stolen anymore.
Same with those horrible Cheese Strings - gopping! :078:

I take a packet to work most days.

Have to admit, cheese string are horrid. Gimme a babybel anytime

Yes, Babybell is nice.
I’d rather have a barbell right now and get back to fitness! :lol:

You must avoid anything that says ‘Low Fat’ Lion Queen, it’s not good for you…:018:

I agree and it normally tastes like sh*t. :lol::lol:


Fray Benton’s pies used to be quite a treat for the kids when we camped they loved them. My husband liked the steak and ale one too.
They never did a vegetarian one so I never partook.

Will we be stock piling ? Not a chance but between our caravan stock and home we could probably live quite happily for about 60weeks but it would be a bit boring without fresh vegetables.

What we would run out of pretty quickly is lemonade my lot can get through 6 X 2ltre bottles a week !

Although they are delicious, the trouble with Fray Bentos pies was you couldn’t easily turn them over after cooking and get the pie out easily without either burning your fingers or getting the tea towel (or oven gloves if you live down south) covered in gravy.

Yer…And I don’t like suet, it’s too slimy for my liking…:078:

When I ate meat all those years ago…
I think I actually liked Spam butties with brown sauce on

Yuk - Rhian - how could you? I’ll have nightmares now … unless I drink a very large Merlot … Hmm - where’s the bottle opener - Rhian’s driven me to drink!!:-D:-D

Ha! Perfect!
Enjoy lovely lady :mrgreen: