Inspired by Bruce’s photo:
I thought it might be interesting to compare prices from across the world!
Here’s how to take part
If you’d like to add something to the list:
- Edit the post below and add your item (in alphabetical order) by following the same format (which is simply a hyphen
followed by a space then the name of the item, eg - Milk
- Once you have added an item, make a post in the thread saying which item you have added (as that will bump the thread)
If you’re replying with your prices:
- Simply make a post in the thread with your prices - please include: the price, currency and country (if not the UK) and if possible UK cost equivalent as most people here are from the UK. Type of shop (whether supermarket or local shop) could be useful too. Eg:
Sirloin Steak - £22kg - Waitrose
Note this post is editable by anyone at Trust Level 1 or higher, however if you are unsure of how to edit then maybe just make a post in the thread and perhaps a TL3 level member can edit it in when they spot it.
Please only add to the list - do not remove anything already in it 
- Apples
- Beef: Sirloin Steak
- Butter
- Milk
- Salmon
o Apples £1.29 for 4 at Aldi
o Beef: Sirloin Steak £4.99 Aldi
o Butter Norpak £2.15 Aldi
o Milk £1.45 4 pts Aldi
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- Apples - £1.90 for 6 Braeburn in Waitrose (or about 90p from Tesco!)
- Beef: Sirloin Steak - £22kg in Waitrose
- Butter - 250g ranges from £2.40 (Duchy organic) to £3.50 (unpasteurised)
- Milk - £2.10 for 4 pints/2.272ltr unpasteurised organic whole milk
- Salmon - 3 packs of 2 for £10
Do they give the cost per kg as well Susie?
Today’s shopping in M&S:
- Apples (Jazz) £2.25 for 4
- Milk £1.40 for 4pts (2pts = £1.00)
- Bananas £0.78/kg
Edited to add Petrol (Tesco) £1.689/lt.
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