Food for the soul

Re the discussion about flowers V giving to charity at a funeral .

Sometimes there is a time for food for the soul .

It may be flowers , a painting a piece of music .

The soul need nurturing too we can’t always be practical and feel guilty about charity all the time !

There must be something to colour our lives and satisfy the soul .
We arent responsible for all the cares of the world .
We can only live our lives , be kind and give what we can but we must looks after ourselves too.


Thank you @Muddy, beautifully expressed - I hadn’t looked at it like that, but you are so right.

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I am usually at my happiest when there is something to look forward to… or is that selfish and that l should welcome the bad bits too?

My soul has always wanted to try ecstasy but these days I don’t mix with the right crowd.