Flu vaccinations are early this year

I noticed my GP surgery is beginning the flu vaccinations early this year, the organisation it is more complicated because instead of large group bookings they can only book a small number of people at a time.

My GP surgery is going to be using an open marquee with a one way system and the vaccinating starts on September 12th for over 65s to begin with.

It should get some of us safely vaccinated if there is a sudden surge of C19 with the return for many to school and work.

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My surgery text me two or three weeks ago offering Flu and also Shingles vaccs, Meg.
I didn’t know there was a start date though, it just said to book an appointment.

Gosh that was efficient Mups :slight_smile: I only found out by accident when being given the option to ‘press one to book a flu vaccination’ when I rang the surgery about something else :slight_smile:

I will have to ring our surgery. They text me every year despite not having my number.

yes that is quick 
but like everything else now , it just two or three people at a time so it will take longer to get everyone jabbed

Phoned our surgery and they said they are not taking flu bookings yet 
 please ring again .

I hope they don’t leave it too long to get organised, winter will be here before we know it :102:

I didn’t realise they had a vaccine for covid yet

I wish Bob :slight_smile: no chance yet

I’m at the doctor’s tomorrow for some tests. No doubt they’ll stick a needle in my arm while I’m not looking like they did last year. :smiley:


Flu Jabs

Just read a message, from the NHS Surgery sent 3 days ago, that an appointment should be made for a Flu Jab.

On ringing the surgery, today, I found that all appoinments were gone.

Largely due to the extra number of “Qualifiers”.

Someone, who shall remain nameless, said that people were applying “In Boatloads”. (:-p:-p).

Anyway, The surgery will be getting more supplies.

Message - Don’t leave it too late!


My surgery contacted me and offered me an appointment later this month 

Mr Mags and I have our Flu jabs booked for 26th September.

This year I opted to have it at my local pharmacy. It’s nearer and administered with a lot less hassle:-D

My surgery has been offering Flu and Shingle jabs for possibly a month now.

We called at a local pharmacy this morning asking about flu jabs. They said they have no supplies or details yet. Please come back in a couple of weeks.

Instead of waiting for the freebie from my doctor in April I paid $20 at the chemist and had it done there with no waiting.

Had a letter from my surgery on yellow paper giving me a time and date-Sept 22nd between 11-12.Different colour paper-different day and times.There are four different locations you can attend.I will be going to the community centre in the village.Seems are well organised.

I am going for a Vaccination on Tuesday and have a long list of ‘does and donts’ including not arriving early or late .
I have decided to park in town and walk to the Doctors so I can loiter outside the gate and arrive exactly on time and avoid the erratic car parking by elderly patients :slight_smile:

We have had the same from our surgery Meg - also told to bring an umbrella if it is raining 
 I’m so glad they said that I wouldn’t have thought of it myself :wink:

The surgery my friend attends is doing a drive-through service where they have to stay in the car.