Flu jabs - have you had yours?

Jazzi I don’t think twink selected the right smilie, I’m sure she didn’t mean anything like that came across.

[SIZE=“3”]Jazzi,[/SIZE] I’m inclined to agree with Julie here.
I may be wrong, but I suspect Twink’s smilie was aimed at your doctor’s apathy, not you.
I think she would be mortified if she realised, honestly.
Cheer up sweetheart. x

I’m astounded at the naivety in those statements Twink. Truly if your GP said straight to your face that the vaccine was useless I think you’d still have it !

The flu vaccine is a MAJOR aspect of the profits of GP surgeries. GPs receive chunky fees for giving vaccines and receive significant bonuses if they can persuade or pressurise enough of their patients to have vaccinations.

One person contacted the Scottish government directly to ask exactly what GPs were paid to push the flu vaccine. The response was thus:

[I]"Costs vary in as much as GP practice must achieve specific percentages before being paid under the Childhood Inoculation programme. On the other hand, for the Seasonal Influenza programme, where a practice achieves at least 40% of vaccinating those aged 65 or over they receive £8.85 per immunisation.

Should a practice achieve more that 75% this increases to £9.39. Where a practice does not achieve at least 40% then they only receive [/b]£7.17[/b] per immunisation"[/I]

This is very significant money on top of their already lucrative GP salaries.

Such is the importance of this PROFIT to GPs that some are threatening to delist their patients if they either flatly refuse vaccination or go to pharmacies to get their jabs.

ChemistAndDruggist website reports:

“[B]LPC chief officer Yogendra Parmar said “at least one” GP surgery in the area had also “threatened some patients” with being removed from the surgery’s list of patients if they decided not to receive their jab from their GP.”

When the government allowed local pharmacies and other private organisations to sell the vaccine a short while ago there was outcry amongst GPs who saw their lucrative profits evaporating.

A newspaper article from 2015 stated that :

“Boots offer the flu jab at £12.99, Lloyds at £10, Superdrug provide the service for £9.99 and both Tesco and Sainsbury’s charge £9.”

The flu vaccine is clearly very big business indeed.

Here is one of the outcry comments posted at the time:

“This is fascinating. As a dispensing practice we lost 50% of our dispensing income recently because a pharmacy opened nearby. Why can pharmacists have it all ways. Where was patient choice when they all wanted to remain with our dispensary? I am also damned if I am going to send reminders to patients to be vaccinated, at my own cost, for someone else to profit from it.”

In the US the CDC operates the AFIX programme which “incentivises” health workers for pushing out vaccines.

In the UK NHS also have dedicated bonus programmes for their employees to get them to push the flu vaccine hard.

This is all one huge mega-profit scam for the vaccine manufacturers and all the associated and corrupt organisations along the food chain. It’s a scam worth literally £billions and isn’t likely to go away any time soon.

While ever they can convince utter naïve people to take up useless flu vaccines through their “campaign of fear” they are absolutely laughing and “quids in” !

You’d think with the mass of evidence out there that people would have wised up by now, but it seems not. They will make any excuse under the sun to try and justify their lame emotional responses none of which deal with the scientific fact, the peer reviewed studies, which categorically prove that the flu vaccines are nothing more than snake oil.

In addition to my GP practice pushing the injection, I have also been invited to have it at Boots, my regular pharmacy. However, they insist that they’ll do it for free!

I suppose that may be because of my age or the fact that I’m diabetic. Considering I’m a tight-fisted Yorkie, I suppose I really ought to have it if only to save myself £12.99!

You’d be better off emigrating to Australia where a flu jab is either free or $10 (£5) at a Pharmacy.

I wouldn’t eat a turd just because it was free. Neither would I allow a bribed GP to inject me with toxins just because it was free.

The flu vaccine is a total scam.

It’s free on the NHS if you qualify Bruce, also many pharmacies will do it free again if you are at risk.

[quote=“JBR, post: 1067953”]
In addition to my GP practice pushing the injection, I have also been invited to have it at Boots, my regular pharmacy. However, they insist that they’ll do it for free!


Do you think it’s a conspiracy to catch you JBR?
It puts me in mind of when shops ring each other to warn shoplifters are doing the rounds. I reckon the GP rings Boots when you are going into town. If Tesco and Superdrug ask you as well - I’d be very suspicious. :lol:

[quote=“Mups, post: 1068046”]

Just because I’m paranoid I don’t think they’re not out to get me!

[quote=“JBR, post: 1068051”]

I do. You see, one day you’ll be walking along, minding your own business and . . . .

And it’ll all be over before you can blink.

Sorry Jazzi, >I knew these smilies would get me into trouble one day. The rolling eyes were supposed to be a comment on the problems the NHS are having.

Ah thanks! No worries. Thought it was directed at me, repeating meself.


See I said twink wouldn’t have done that :cool:

I’m glad you two are still friends.

O’course!! :-D:-D:-D. Wouldn’t have it any other way! (That goes for every one on here.)


You are eligible to receive a free flu jab if you:
are 65 years of age or over
are pregnant
have certain medical conditions
are living in a long-stay residential care home or other long-stay care facility
receive a carer’s allowance, or you are the main carer for an elderly or disabled person whose welfare may be at risk if you fall ill
Front-line health and social care workers are also eligible to receive the flu vaccine.

Actually the flu shot is not nearly as profitable to pharmaceutical companies as many imagine, generating less than one percent of global pharmaceutical company revenues, by contrast, a flu epidemic would likely generate a far larger profit for those companies:

But pats that doesn’t fit the conspiracy theories :wink:

No it doesn’t Julie…back to the drawing board.:wink:

Really how so?