First time editing youtube video of Kookaburras having a bath and laughing

New to this editing so not top notch yet.
9 minutes of Kookaburras bathing, Preening and laughing.


As a matter of interest which editing program did you use?

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The youtube editor

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Have a go at Shotcut so you can do it on your computer, it is free and there are lots of tutorials on Youtube. It is very good and does most things that you need to edit videos. There is a bit of a learning curve but it means you don’t need an internet connection. I use it when I am travelling.

I suspect it is more flexible than the Youtube editor (but don’t know)

This is just the first one that popped up on a “Shotcut Tutorial” search.

The computer monotone voice is a bit tedious but it gives a good overall view of the program.

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Thank you so much for post this Bruce. I will certainly check it out. :slightly_smiling_face: