In the above photo I have had to tape up the coil of the audio cable from the Azden microphone to the Panasonic HC-X1500 camcorder. The microphone is so sensitive if the cable touches the camcorder or microphone cradle I get a loud “click” each time which ruins the video.
So the hunt for the right length (20cm) and right angle connectors at each end was nigh impossible to find and also had to be what is termed 3 pole , that is the number of metal contacts on the connecting tip.eventually I have found a couple of retailers that sell exactly what i am after. The photos show the right angle end clearing the handle.
So why not just use a directional microphone only? Here again it took some finding the right one for my needs. This Azden SMX-30 v has it all and I think well worth the money
Main points I looked for was
1= detachable audio cable most had hard wired in and if damaged no microphone
2= powered by 2 AA batteries easily got to, others have 9v square or just camera powered
2a= also powered via camcorder with auto off if switched to this setting
3= variable from directional to stereo via knob as in photo, again not all have this
4= has low cut filter to cut wind noise and decibel setting
5= comes with cradle suspension many don’t
Not the cheapest or most expensive microphone on the market at around £250, but considering it is infact 2 microphone in one package makes it worth getting
New audio cable arrived in red (se above). resoved another issue as well
. Walking with the above I kept getting a rubbing sound, turned out it was the hairy “deadcat” over cover was catching on the microphone suspension although made by the same company Azden, So added a strip of foam under the stereo part at the back which should help and keeping the other away until needed
@realspeed ,. Wish l could do all that RS.
If only to prove that l could afford it ?
But you seemto enjoy it! So good luck to you !! 

going off subject slightly
The only way I can afford it was by working hard and saving. Also planning what to do ln retirement. Changing jobs and taking a huge risk by going self employed in a different part of the country most would not take but we did and it paid off.
Nor only did I take early vol retirement from a good job with BT but also sold a new 4 bed house (inheritance money and previous house sale) to buy a run down business in the west midlands. Crazy or what?. one good reason I got fed up with working hard to put money in someone elses pocket when I could do the same and put the money in my pocket instead.
That is why we can afford a nice holiday and I can indulge in my hobby
First 7 years it was touch and go if we made it, often not only working extremely long hours but trying to rebuild the business from virtually nothing. That took about 7 years and a case of sink or swim. the business was a boarding kennels and cattery with only about 350 clients on the books, hardly enough to cover our costs. 24 years later having grafted we sold with 5,500 clients on the books and a nice annual income to retire on.
Not bad for someone who quit school at 15 yrs old with no qualifications. I have to add that without Sue’s support and backing we would have failed, she stood by every decision whatever she thought . An absolutely amazing person to be married to
If we can do it there is no reason why others can’t do the same and get a place like this for retiring in.
Our house we love and own, no mortgage. and don’t want to move again
One thing I can’t stand (not aimed at you Donkeyman) is people wishing to have the same but not prepared to take extreme risks work/employment wise to have their dreams
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