Film - the most recent you have seen?

Just watched the new Star Wars movie. It’s not my type of film but it was very well done and the lead actress, Daisy Ridley, I think, was absolutely fantastic

Watched Daddy’s Home last night with my grandson.
Absolutely hilarious.

Watching “Exodus - Gods & Kings” with Christian Bale and Ben Kingsley. I recorded it and am watching it whenever I get a few minutes. It’s two and a half hours. I have just got up to the plagues of Egypt section, I’ve done the rivers of blood, the frogs and the locusts and boils and am just about to embark on the death of the firstborns. I am trying to stick with it but on the verge of losing the will to live. I only watched it because its one of my favourite directors, Ridley Scott.

Bit like being on here then :043::043:


Well, I wasn’t go to say, but now you mention it…:lol:

watched Mon Oncle

old 1958 Jacque Tati film, enjoyed it very much

I’m just back from watching The Danish Girl. The acting was superb as would be expected from Eddie Redmayne but this film just didn’t do anything for me.

Some of the sets didn’t look real and Redmaynes wife’s hair was obviously a wig - why couldn’t the actress playing her have her own hair styled 1920’s style? … Also Redmaynes own hair - once he decided to grow it in a womanly style, why was the front long enough to wave and cover his eyes but the back still be as short and manly as ever? Small details like that I shall never know the answer to but they annoy me no end!!

This is just my opinion … Probably nobody would agree with me. My friend who I went with liked it - in fact she was quite upset about the ending.

TITANIC, cor we had front row seats for its premiere, but got soaked

WEnt to see “singing in the rain” the following week and got soaked again.

Have abandoned trip to see “WATERWORLD”

Just watched ‘The Big Short’ …

It is quite good. You get an insight into how the banks work. How irresponsible it all is. Sad thing is how nothing much as changed even though it all collapsed around us.

The Martian?

Matt Damon
Jeff Daniels
Sean Bean
Kristen Wiig

etc etc etc

Well, I’m sorry to say I thought the film was awful. So awful in fact I didn’t bother to watch the end as I had totally lost interest in it. The story was just silly. I also found the casting to be wrong. I expected it to break into some audacious comedy at some stage but of course it didn’t but maybe it should have.

Silly story - too many known actors just picking up a pay cheque - boring characters - silly camera work (to show Mat had been on Mars and had lost weight some other actor was used to show his now skinny body by the use of a towel over his head - oh and he had grown a beard - eh why?).

Don’t bother.

Oh well thx for the heads up on “the Martian” MKJ. At the other end of the scale - one of the movies I watched in the last few mths, “Interstellar” also starring Matt Damon, albeit in a smallish part - was excellent. All about black holes, time slippage etc - very good and most enjoyable.

I’ve watched so many movies I find most are not very good anymore - especially the hyped up ones. Best not to take my reviews to heart and give the films a go. I’m far too critical these days.

I didn’t like ‘Interstellar’ either :shock: , although it was streets ahead of the film above.

Some films I can watch more than once. On DVD saw Snow White & The Hunsman this week. Third time of seeing it & some parts I hadn’t remembered. I do like fantasy films.

Watched this one with my grandson and he loved it.
I wasn’t bored and the film passed quickly by, but as you have said, it was a ridiculous and pathetic effort to show how much weight he had lost by the beard, towel and the skinny body.

We went to see the" Big Short" yesterday afternoon.
Enjoyed it, although had to watch and pay attention as the terms they were using were a bit confusing. Still they explained them , so that was good.
It was based on a book written about the 2008 crash.

The Revenant,the bear attack was realistic imo,not having seen one its how I’d expect it to be.

Watched " Dirty Grandpa " earlier this week, starring Robert De Niro.
I thought it was absolutely hilarious, though I think that you need a schoolboy sense of humour at times to keep amused.

Just going to watch " Spot On " now.

Enjoy, let me know what you thought of it .

I haven’t seen ‘Dirty Grandpa’ but I have seen ‘Bad Grandpa’ which was incredibly offensive. I have never laughed so much during any movie.

Check this out. IT IS RUDE BUT VERY FUNNY!

The people in the nightclub were unaware they were being filmed!

I have seen ‘The Big Short’ which I liked. It certainly wasn’t exciting as such but it was riveting. I think I learned a lot from watching it - well I know I did.