Filled my car with petrol

Went inside, got a self serve coffee as well, the attendant said something which I could not understand.
I simply said, “I have no idea what you said”
I did think I heard “fuel”
Surely he was not asking if I was going to pay for the fuel as well with the coffee?
I was the only customer.

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Could have said Fool, but don’t worry, we guys are not here to judge you! :grinning:


Asking what bowser number I used, even though there is no one else filling up is a regular occurrence.
I simply give a blank stare.


Not worth a “G’day mate” then!

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No “G’day mate” from me.
They piss me off, truth be told.

Might he have been OK for the job but with some sort of speech or other difficulty? Perhaps he was asking if you wanted a separate receipt for fuel (rather than include the coffee)?

Asking the pump number even though you were the only one there? He could do that without thinking seeing as how he might mostly have a number of pumps being used all day every day?

I don’t know about any of that but could he have just have caught you at a bad moment?

He was a foreigner with a strong accent.
Asking what bowser number I used, even though there is no one else filling up is a regular occurrence.
I was not having a moment.

I regularly get work Diesel from one gas station. It only has one Diesel pump. I walked in and said " getting $100 of diesel" and he said “which pump” of course with my charming personality I clarified “the diesel pump”.


I wasn’t sure what a bowser number was. I’m not familiar with Australian slang so I had to look it up to be sure it was what I thought it was. We call it a gas pump here. :slightly_smiling_face:

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We call your gas - Petrol. :slightly_smiling_face:

Or Diesel…

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I often get a coffee at petrol station and am asked ‘any fuel?’ or just ‘fuel’?

They are checking if I am buying fuel as well as the coffee. Because some people like me, do just buy coffee and not fuel.

and sometimes they have an accent - because this is Australia and from all the lands we come.

Really not seeing the issue here?