Fenrir Canine Training Videos

Here are some videos about dog training that i watch.

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I had a Rat Terrier weighed 12lbs. soaking wet. Thought she was the biggest dog in the world. One day she yanked on the leash when a very large dog was going by. All the time she’s barking and growling like “Let me at em!!”. Funny part is it was one of those extendable leashes and she reached the end. I wasn’t paying attention and dropped the leash. She immediately stopped barking and looked at me like you’re supposed to hold me back, now pick it up. :grinning: :grinning:


She probably felt safe when you had the leash but when you let go she thought that she was loose so she stopped.

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I think the look I got was more “Hey pick that up! I can’t do all that smack I was just talking! You’re my if this guy wasn’t here insurance.” Anyway hilarious moment. :rofl: :rofl:

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Good puppy/dog training videos :slight_smile:

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You cannot “fix” an aggressive dog in seconds. Why on earth are you “flooding” this forum with junk like this. Ahh wait a second - could it be money?

Thank you AliceWonderland

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No it’s not.