Listening to a discussion whilst browsing OFF, it occurred to me that female engineers are still somewhat thin on the ground. One of my team when I worked for a living was a female technical clerk who had the task of thoroughly reading and cross checking contract specifications before a job went out for competitive tender. She was excellent at her job and proved to the ‘political’ barons over me that my idea of a technical clerk was both valid and an asset to the department.
So with this in mind, I was wondering how many lady members are from an engineering background and if so what difficulties were faced trying to succeed in what was originally a man’s world.
I worked in heavy industry, there was a female engineer from a army background, one in 46 yrs , there must be more out there.
Not many, it would seem. I encountered a few in paper mills doing software projects and I had one in my office who was a draftswoman. Schools in my era dictated gender subjects. The girls did needlework, boys did joinery.
There used to be a female service engineer where I last worked,There’s a young lady that comes to service our fire equipment at the care home and we needed plumbing work from the new company that they now use and a lady came to price up the job, so they are about in industry
There are over 192,270 Engineers currently employed in the United States. 14.9% of all Engineers are women, while 78.7% are men. The average age of an employed Engineer is 41 years old. The most common ethnicity of Engineers is White (71.7%), followed by Asian (14.0%) and Hispanic or Latino (8.4%).Sep 9, 2021
Seems to be the same over here, but I see more women on construction sites in other capacities far more than I used to.
My local trusted plumber has his wife alongside him. She too is qualified for gas installations and she is a quick efficient worker, but that seems to be the female limit around my location, although the most efficient tree & garden maintenance firm Land Girls is run by Holly. She and her crew worked wonders on my plot before the sandstone layers took over to finish the work I always try to employ women because of their eye for detail
I have long been a supporter of women in scientific and engineering jobs. I just do not see why they should be treated as being anything different to men doing the same jobs. Every opportunity I get I strongly encourage young ladies to take up STEM subjects at school and follow on with them at higher education.
My dearest friend is a Civil Engineer and she is a consultant to the Railways - here and in Ireland.
Exactly ST.
The guns on the Spitfire were designed by a 13 year old girl.
Female Engineers , got there on sheer ability, not which school they went to or family connections.
A Female Structural, Ballistic or Materials Engineer is a scary thing, they have a healthy disregard for men and are very good at explaining things.
As one told me, we have to be, men are arrogant idiots.
I responded with I am not not arrogant, just a stupid Northerner.
I have two younger Yorkshire sisters, I know my place.
Females can engineer anything and everything.