Felixstowe begin an 8 day strike

  • Best get stocked up :scream:

@PixieKnuckles,. Getting serious now pixie !!
And the governments on oliday ??
Good job the food containers are refridgerated !!

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It always was serious :frowning_face: This is why the Government is running away from it all
they can’t cope.

I found a list of everyone going on strike in August

@ PixieKnuckles,. You missed the one about teapickers in Bangladesh
going on strike for more pay pixie !!
You cant blame brexit for that ?? :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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I’ll find a way, Donkeyman
just gimme a minute :thinking: :joy:



Felixstowe is massive, our biggest container port, we export a lot from there as well.

The biggest problem is that it is the only port that can take the new mega container ships from China.

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Well I suppose China are going to be a bit fed up with us now then, eh? All the cargo backing up with nowhere to go. They’ll ship it elsewhere and again we will lose out.


They will sail straight past and unload at An twerp or somewhere and then we will have to pay extra to get the containers to here

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Will we though? I mean, with all that is going on
we can’t even keep the lights on, so you think paying for fetching over old stale food from Antwerp is really going to happen? Oh wait
unless it’s us the taxpayer who pays

Not to worry though, the government are considering raising the salary cap on bankers so they can earn even more,



Spot on Primus, it really is a determined insult to ordinary people.

I thought you had made a spelling mistake for a minute there Primus1.
Good point.


Not to mention the millions in bonuses earned by water companies chief execs/directors for pumping raw sewage into our sea and waterways, a case of the effluent making the few affluent


Sorry, but I really have to object to the word “earn” :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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oh I read it as yawn?

Seems we are retracing our steps to the seventies


I lived in a garret flat on the seafront in Felixstowe when I was doing Port Health on the docks there.

Unlike many ports they were not heavily unionised or political.

It is very unusual for them to take any action at all

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Yet again - the rest of us will be kicked in the teeth by strikers.

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That’s kinda the point of striking. Maximum effect, maximum inconvenience.