I too only take a size 6, but i wear size 10s cos they are more comfortable
All about being a child going to Disneyland Florida, so all relevant.
I haven’t thrown my toys out of the pram in a while,
That’s just plain daft,
I don’t mind people acting out their shoe size it is when their shoe size and IQ match that I get concerned
Depends if I’m wearing my clowns shoes
Normally 8.5 or 9. Depends on shoe type and design.
…I often wear mine, they are always tripping me up!..
It took me years to act my shoe size, I was such a serious type of person.
I’m so glad the child In me showed up……we get on so well.
…she never introduced herself first though,
As Walt Disney said:
Don’t think I’ve ever grown up and I don’t intend too
Does anyone wear shoes marked L and R?
Being a tall chap, my feet are English size 14-15 depending on the manufacturer’s cut and assembly method. At my tallest, I was a tad over 6’ 6" and was so since around 17-18. At 16 I was only 1" shorter, so even at school, I was one of the tallest and boxing champ (80" reach). Did I act up because of my size? Definitely not, because I could have marmalised anyone shaping up to me, so I always had to remember that and walk away from confrontation; not that many confronted me
No, I have one green shoe and one red shoe
All you need is, amber!
Who do you think I am Jake The Peg?
Only when you do the soft shoe shuffle!!
That’s really tall!!
A lady I cared for ,her grandson was six foot four, I never mentioned his height as I’m sure most people did, it’s unusual to see a young man that tall, it was for me anyway…
Did you have any problems physically being that tall?
Sorry off topic.
Only with the young ladies. For some reason, a tall chap is preferred to the shorter varieties and that did cause problems with some other males wanting to get physical.
My wife at her tallest was 4’ 10" and I became totally smitten after our first prolonged kiss.
So funny Queenie I remember hopscotch we used to tuck our skirts in our knickers so we could hop better…those were the days
LD…its land of the giants at our house my son is 6.4 and my son in law is 6.5…my daughter is 5.11…so is almost 6ft …she gets very annoyed she didn’t make 6ft …Im 5.6 so I feel a bit short sometimes
Don’t know about that but when I was a nipper I remember my mum buying me some black shoes and they had a compass in them!!!