It’s finally Spring here in Montreal and we have snow; so fed up with it even though it wasn’t too harsh of a Winter. I just hope that it will be the last of it.
I am Canadian and I agree we did have a very nice mild winter but who wants to see snow coming down in the Spring? Looking forward to the green grass but in Canada who knows when that will be.
My cousin’s daughter lives in Vancouver and says it’s much warmer there.Less snow(although it does rain quite a bit)
I’m in Vancouver and it’s 6 degrees C today…chilly but sunny… trees are blooming, the magnolias have just about finished… daffodils are up…and with luck NO SNOW… sorry to those east of the Rockies…
I traveled the interstate today in NY for an hour each way. It was beautiful to look at the hills, so cold the ice was covering the trees, and then bright blue sky above it. We haven’t had much true winter this year, so I took it all in while I drove. In my neck of the woods, it’s winter for a few days, then comes a tantalizing taste of springlike days.
Soon we will all be looking at green grass and spring flowers!
We don’t have many deciduous trees here and no snow and ice(thankfully) in this bit of Victoria so Spring is noticeable but not as dramatic as some places.
Well, here we are: April 4, 2024 and we had a bad snow storm here in Montreal.
It started last night with rain and then it snowed; we got about 15 - 20 centimetres.
Also, a lot of people lost power; so far we are OK. I really hope that it will be the last
Hello Everybody; so here in Montreal, we got over 70cm of snow from Feb. 13 to Feb. 17 which is insane
Perhaps that’s why it was previously chosen as a site to host the Winter Olympics.
I spent three weeks there a few years ago when I was gainfully employed. Lovely city, friendly people, and good beer!
I’ve had a fey visits to Canada - from Halifax to Vancouver Island. For me the worst cold was next to Lake Superior. It was on a ship in dry dock in early January \t was bladdy freezing, around -20C…
And then there was the extreme - went so The Sarah Desert.
We’re not entirely out of the woods here yet. I vaguely remember it snowed at Easter once, during the early 70’s I think.
I remember 1963 - the snow was still there until April.
I was only one living in Minden at the time. I have seen a documentary about it. I wonder how we’d cope with that situation today?