Fashionable attire --> Jeans

Thanks, wishbone, I’ll check them out.

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Elastane strides are well suited for a female rear and as a connoisseur of the female rump, elastane get’s my vote every time, as my darling blondie will attest :wink::ok_hand::+1:

For anyone interested in stretch jeans via mail order, I have found an on-line suppler where inside leg sizes are on the generous side. I can order 34" leg and receive pairs measuring almost 35" which suits me fine.
Kruze Mens Basic Straight Leg Stretch Jeans New Denim Regular Big Tall All Waist | eBay

Denim jeans for me and have been for many decades now, I have a couple of others in darker colours (one pair in black corduroy) for anything other than my usual daily wear. The stretch kind are better I find, especially as the lockdown encouraged the addition of weight, most of which I had lost a couple of years’ ago when defeating a pre-Type2 diabetes diagnosis.

Back to the drawing board though, I’ve done it once so will do the same again!

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I only started wearing Jeans in the last couple of years and now wear them most of the time because I rarely go out since lockdown.
I like Levi’s Women’s 314 Shaping Straight Jeans which I bought on Amazon where they are easily returned if they don’t fit.

Unfortunately the last ones I ordered had changed in quality, the fabric was thinner and the labels different. Looking at the comments other people have had the same experience.

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Chinos man,that’s me.


try Hugo Boss or Brax

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I wear jeans almost all the time. If I am going out & want to look smartish, but be comfortable, I wear some decent quality black jeans. But mostly just cheap normal jeans.

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I’m not much of a wearer of jeans although I do on occasion. I don’t find them as comfortable as leggings. I do like them though, it seems to be an item of clothing that never goes out of fashion

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Levis :023:

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I remember being taken to task well over a year ago when, in response to a similar question, I had the temerity to suggest that the only people over 40 who should wear denim jeans should be members of the building trade.

My opinion hasn’t changed - now standing back, awaiting the onslaught.

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I was associated to the building trade in a way coz I was a civil engineer by discipline.

I own strictly jeans. Both regular and insulated. I also wear khakis both regular and insulated. That is as dressy as I get. My wardrobe is strictly built for comfort. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


When I worked I wore suits. Now I wear cargo pants. They are very practical. Keys, pen knife, sharp knife, doggy poo bags, treats, tissues, bandanna, coins, folding kind, plastic, a pen, etc…

Fashionable? Not a chance.


I was in the printing trade from the age of 15 and wore denims from the age of 17 when I was one of those ‘unacceptable’ people who rode motorcycles. That was nearly 60 years ago now and I have never had anything to do with the building trade. One event that does stick in my mind was when I went to a big store in the nearby town, during my lunch hour. I don’t recall what it was I purchased, or tried to, but on seeing me in my leather jacket, leather boots and carrying leather gloves and a crash helmet they would not let me pay with a cheque, probably due to ‘a bad reputation’ as judged on my clothing.

The next day I took a suit with me to work, changed into that, left the crash helmet with the motorcycle and walked into that same store to purchase the same item. My cheque was then accepted without any problem at all! They had obviously not heard about “don’t judge a book by its cover”! I have to say it was very tempting to ask to see the manager and let him know what had happened, in those days though I wasn’t the person I am today. Had that been today it certainly would have been a case of asking for the manager, that is for definite. However, I no longer ride motorcycles but drive cars instead.

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I haven’t worn a pair of jeans since I was an apprentice.
Smart trousers, chino’s or shorts.

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The thought of looking “smart” horrifies me, Foxy. :grimacing:

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I seem to remember we had about 10 days hot enough for shorts in London this year … not a good year for shorts. I wore blue jean the other 355 days.

2019 I went to a wedding, wore khaki chinos & blue blazer.

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I wear jeans about two months of the year during the coldest months, for the rest of the year I wear denim shorts.

I like jeans but they are hard to get on or off with my bad back to I stick to shorts as long as I can.

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I only have two choices. I wear jeans all the time, but if I have to go to an event where jeans are not apropriate -which I manage to avoid most of the time- my only alternative is a suit. I do what I can to avoid looking smart when I wear the suit, but there’s not much I can do other than rely on my naturally sloppy demeanour. If the occasion calls for a tie, I can always make sure it’s crooked, of course, but I would only wear a tie if absolutely necessay.