False teeth and dental health

Well Kitty, you’ll have seen my photo in this thread where I had perfect teeth, but it all went wrong, and for the first time I’m going to be truly honest. Despite my forum personna, this problem has driven me to severe depression, and that’s why I truly do have to have it sorted.

My dentist is aware of that as well. I’ve been lucky never to have had a denture and only one extraction to this age. My mum was about 36 when she had all her teeth out at once and she went around without for a good while. As a child, it scared me to death, as only OLD people had no teeth. :slight_smile:

Mollie, is it this Friday that you have your appointment with your Dentist? If so I’d like to wish you good luck, please be brave and and keep the appointment this time … you’ll be pleased you did in the long run.:slight_smile:

I think it is Mollie’s appointment on Friday. I was going to post the same as you to tell her to keep the appointment :wink:

Thanks ladies. You have good memories. It is this Friday, and I promise I will keep the appointment this time. :slight_smile:

What times your appointment Mollie ,tooth hurty .:lol:

I will get my coat !

Shurrup you. :mrgreen::mrgreen:

Me teeth don’t hurt and the appointment is at 12 noon. :smiley:


O.K. Mollie , i know my place … :wink:

We’ll all be after you Mollie if you don’t go :):slight_smile:

If you hadn’t chickened out mollie you would now be much further along. Good luck this week.

Good luck Mollie for Friday, we’ll all be behind you (well, not literally, that would be scary) :lol::lol:

Yes you are right Gabi. Let’s hope she doesn’t chicken out again. We need to hear some positive feed back Molly:-)

Yes, sir, ma’am! :smiley:

You’re absolute right, and thanks. :slight_smile:

Cheers, Carmen. :slight_smile:

I won’t chicken out again. Mollie promises. Thanks again for your support, everyone. :slight_smile:

I too am beginning to have problems with my teeth. Bone structure is wearing down. Recently, I have been paying regular visits to the dentist for dental, gum treatment. No other choice. Good luck Mollie.

It really is awful, isn’t it, GY. (Can’t call you Jimbo 'cos we have another Jimbo on here :-D).

I don’t expect you’ll have read the whole topic because it is a long one, but my problem started with a gum infection, and nothing to do with my teeth.

Ah well, all I really want to be able to do is eat properly again, as I’m having a lot of trouble doing that now.

My only wish is that I had somebody to go with me on Friday.

I hope all goes well for you on Friday Mollie ,dont be too proud jusk ask amongst your friends Mollie ,Im sure one will oblige .

Grab the Bull by the horns Mollie and go this time, no gibbing out again, I’m keeping a quiet eye on you.:smiley:

There’s nobody I can ask to go with me unfortunately, but not to worry.

Am going Jem, am going! :mrgreen:

It’s a funeral for me on Friday, or I would have gone and dragged her down. :lol:

Aw bless you Jimmy. I could have done with somebody holding me hand - in a manner of speaking, of course. :slight_smile:

good luck tomorrow mollie i am sure all will go well :slight_smile: