F.A.O. Bathsheba

Found this by accident on YouTube - made one last night - and it occurred to me that you might like it too being as you do a lot of sewing - what do you thhink :-


I saw the jar and the material then grabbed an off cut of fabric, have loads,cut circle from a med. plate…sewed the outside as video and used extra strong thread…lunch now on the go so will look back in soon…no idea as yet what I making. Just watching on a need to know next stage…basis…wonder what it is going to be… :thinking: :grin:





@DianneWoollie well done Dianne, that’s lovely!

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Wow, that looks great! You’re very crafty.

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Yes looks great @DianneWoollie are you crafty haha

Well done

Bumpity Bump - for Bathsheba!

Oh thanks so much for this @SilverTabby - I don’t know how I missed it until now! I think I will have to have a go at one of these, as I have an embarrassing amount of fabric, loads of jars, a drawer full of ribbons and a couple of bags of toy stuffing. I’ve even got lots of paper flowers somewhere, haha! No excuse, then, is there?

Thanks again xx

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@Bathsheba - you are welcome.

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