Extinction Rebellion glue themselves to the speakers chair in the HOC!

I don’t need to belittle anyone. Their aim is laudable, even admirable.
But their implementation of their ideals is questionable at best and downright hypocritical at worst.

I’d also thank you not to ascribe your own unsolicited interpretations on my motive for posting in the thread.
I’m merely voicing an opinion.

Nuclear power. The French are restarting all their nuclear reactors. Not a popular choice though years back they did try to sell it to the public as a ‘clean’ fuel … if not necessarily a safe one.

Wind farms don’t provide nearly enough power and the damn things cost too much … and can get blown down in a storm an conservationists see them as a risk to wildlife.

Between at least 2017 and early 2019 he was studying for a PhD at King’s College London,[9] researching how to achieve social change through civil disobedience and radical movements.[

Sounds like it’s a bit of an intellectual game rather than a heartfelt calling.

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@Straffmore,. “seems brutal”
Nature is brutal !
We have over ruled nature , old are meant to die, sick babies etc are meant
to die, it is part of the balance of nature !
We are now experiencing problems for ignoring it !
I agree that protest eventually becomes necassary if leaders fail to listen,
the vietnam war protests are a good example of this, the war would probably
still be going on if citizens had never protested ?? :thinking::thinking:

Who knows eh? Perhaps the bods will unveil what’s been kept a secret for around a century…Tesla’s machine that uses the fact that the earth is a giant pulsating magnet which can generate clean electricity for free more or less ad infinitum.

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@Dextrous63 … do you think we’re monopolising the thread a bit.

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@Dextrous63 ,“monopolising thread”
Keep going , lm enjoying it !! :+1::grin::+1:

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Well, that seems belittling … :man_shrugging:

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If you say so Omah … each to their own and all that.

While insolate Britain was formed by several members from extinction rebellion they are separate entities with similar aims.
I don’t agree with glue being used on the highway.
A sit down protest traffic obstruction…if that what takes .

As there’s no middle ground I can’t see the point in continuing with this conversation.

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I’ve got a few ideas Dex, perhaps the world economic forum…
Or could it be someone who wants to take away our rights to protest?
Extinction Rebellion among others, make such a nuisance of themselves interfering with the smooth running of society that the people will beg the establishment to put an end to these mischief makers and make it illegal to stage an organised protest. Obviously the protesters really believe in the cause such is the power of the media and the teachings in school and university. Get them while they are young and impressionable.

You go first :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

11 posts were split to a new topic: War protests (split from ext rebellion thread)

They don’t live in central London…

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Unusually I agree with Ripple…
We need to use less electricity because several inept governments have failed to predict our future needs, add to this the premature closing down of coal fired power stations before establishing alternative means, and pushing on with major new house building projects further increasing demand
I don’t think future pollution from vehicles will be a problem as Electric Vehicles are not only a cleaner method of transport, but many people will be priced off the road, so also solving the congestion problem. The inability to supply the extra power needed for EV’s will probably result in rationing, and so another cut in the amount of traffic on our roads.

However, none of this has anything to do with Extinction Rebellion, they want you to sit at home in the cold and live on a diet of nuts and berries and worry about the amount of CO2 that you are releasing into the atmosphere and the carbon footprint you will leave behind for your grandchildren to clean up…

Who said they did?

AFAIK, the aims of Extinction Rebellion are somewhat more complicated than that … :wink:


Plough through their UK website at leisure…

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I already have but I don’t think OGF has … you should have a word with him … :wink:

Currently, I’m working my way through:




Extinction Rebellion have a valid agenda.

Unfortunately the way in which they operate is isolating many who would support them in their aims.

My view of them , based on local events, is that they are a bunch of self righteous , uncaring arrogant gits.