Excuses for Labour before taking over No 10

Even that might not work, unless there is a final arbiter. Who would be chosen for that and how? The King, Courts [European], or voters. A raffle! the highest bidder!! tombola!!!

PR needs to be taken from the control of Westminster, if we are allowed a vote. We will not get one unless it is voted for. NONE. Even corruption would be unable to ‘fix’ a vote by all for change to a civil, clear, honest democracy. dēmos ‘people’ and kratos 'rule '. [sic]

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Labour did not win when Corbyn was Leader, very left wing Labour is unelectable and you have to win to change things.

Starmer needs to win with a big majority as the damage done over the last decade is going to take time to undo.

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I’d vote for him too, got to be better than Laurence Fox!

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It’s irrelevant to what was said but not to the prominence GB news gave it over other news.

Their right wing agenda is very clear and they’ll seize on anything they think might be damaging to Labour and treat it like it’s the most important news of the day over anything negative about the Tories

I always make note of the political bias of a media source I’m reading or watching

Because which stories they choose to report and give prominence to, over those they ignore or just give a passing comment on is as much propaganda as the slant they choose to put on those stories


I agree, but they do invite guests on to give a balanced fair view, some accept some do not.

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The problem is probably that no one who is genuinely interested in balanced and fair would want to lower themselves to be their token Leftie because GBnews raison d’etre is to be right-wing biased

To appear on it is to give credibility to their false claim to being a real news channel

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In our lifetime both Conservative and Labour governments have sold off the UK silverware to pay the mortgage.

In 1946, the UK government agreed to sell Rolls Royce Nene jet engines to the USSR as long as they don’t use it for military purposes. The Soviets quickly started putting them into jet fighter aircraft. [sic]

Will not vote for two parties that have destroyed Great Britain. Great country, crap politicians.

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You are correct Imo, but Blair did that but, just forgot to change things

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[quote=“Maree, post:26, topic:101015”]
To appear on it is to give credibility to their false claim to being a real news channel.

As real as any of the rest. They all have concerns how information is spread.

Here we go…!,:face_with_peeking_eye:

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Errrrrrrrrrr who mentioned the ‘B’ word first?

But maree was spot on

The majority thought not Primus… :009:

Another resignation, plus threat of election. Nothing left to say. :slightly_smiling_face: :smiling_face_with_tear: :zipper_mouth_face: :angry: