Excellent summary of the last 14 years under the tories

Who else agrees he’s pretty much spot on… again!

(Contains strong language)


I find Jonathon Pie very funny


I better add that I don’t always know who he is talking about - obviously I know who Sunak and Johnson are etc. Just as I am sure that everybody on here knows who the Australian PM is :wink:

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Surely you remember Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng


Truss yes, Kwarteng no.

Her “Cheese” speech will live on for ever.

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Yup he’s spot on, but people fall for the con every ruddy time :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Captain Mainwaring, Captain Mainwaring, will I be a great leader like you, one day?


others may have different political views

Indeed, my view is none can be trusted, so will vote none. Not even reform, future politicians should all be Independent. imds :sleeping: Abolish the entire setup and start again. Blair took us into war, Starmer, who knows?

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I feel the same @Cinderella. After watching Sunak and Starmer going head to head the other evening I decided that neither deserves to be PM - Sunak cannot be trusted and Starmer looking like a rabbit in the headlights whenever he was asked a question. However, I cannot in all conscience not vote at all so will put my cross next to the Reform candidate in the hope that if enough people do that it will dilute the influence of the Labour Party - I’m not concerned about the Tories, they are a spent force in my opinion.

Obviously set-up by the media (just goes to show how the ‘media mafia’ have so much power in deciding which parties get in power…) but I love how she gives him a proper ticking off :lol:

After watching Sunak and Starmer going head to head the other evening I decided that neither deserves to be PM - Sunak cannot be trusted and Starmer looking like a rabbit in the headlights whenever he was asked a question. However, I cannot in all conscience not vote at all so will put my cross next to the Reform candidate in the hope that if enough people do that it will dilute the influence of the Labour Party - I’m not concerned about the Tories, they are a spent force in my opinion.

With the rest of his motley fools; Sunak is just going through the motions. After leaving D-DAY commemorations early and then apologising saying he made a mistake, excuse me PM but I do not buy that. Quote from Labour MP Jonathon Ashworth: “In choosing to prioritise his own vanity TV appearances over our veterans, Rishi Sunak has shown what is most important to him.” In my view the PM has given up, well he can just go sweet talk to the wind.

Here today, gone tomorrow. We shall just have to wait and see. Have said before that Conservatives should not be allowed to govern again. Those jumping ship think they are safe. In for a shock.

Good riddance Cinderella! I hope they all go!

Vile disgusting party full of selfish greedy people who have no place in the future of humanity, just the destruction of it! (Can you tell I despise them!?) :lol:

I’ll try to be balanced about the 14 years of Conservative government.
First, they did pick up a financial calamity and a recession. It is wrong to claim that the financial sector troubles were caused by Labour; they were the result of weak banking regulation and successive governments unwilling to contain that sector. Did the Conservative handle this problem well? No, they used it as an excuse to cut costs, hammer local government and try to reduce the size and role of government. We are living with the consequences of that today.
Second, they governed through a (hopefully) once in a century pandemic. Did they handle that well? In parts is the best I can come up with. The vaccine development and distribution was probably as good as it could have been. The PPE issue was, at least in a significant part, of their own making - both the shortages and the following panic (and self serving) buying. The lock downs were not managed terribly well. The furlough was needed and successful. The track & trace and the control of borders were both fiascoes. So overall, not great.
Then we’ve got to look at their choices for prime minister … and their willingness to lose a PM and lose the integrity of their governmentship but happily appoint a new PM without going to the country in a GE. Once is forgivable. Multiple times within one parliament is not.
Brexit was of their own making, as was the mess of the negotiations to leave.
Migration was not of their making but their handling of it has been swaying between poor and headline grabbing without real substance.
I’m struggling to think of things we’d point to and say “gosh, they did that well”.

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